House Bill No. 19

Introduced By pavlovich

By Request of the Joint Interim Subcommittee on Veterans' Needs

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act establishing the Committee on Veterans' Needs; appropriating funds for the committee; and providing an effective date and a termination date."

WHEREAS, the Joint Interim Subcommittee on Veterans' Needs created by the 1993 and the 1995 Legislatures provided an important liaison between state government, veterans' service organizations, and veterans; and

WHEREAS, the 1995 Joint Interim Subcommittee on Veterans' Needs determined that the continuation of a study Committee would be of great service to Montana veterans.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Montana:

NEW SECTION. Section 1.  Committee on veterans' needs. (1) There is a committee on veterans' needs. The committee is composed of eight members who are appointed as follows:

(a) four members of the house of representatives, not more than two of whom may be from one political party, appointed by the speaker of the house; and

(b) four members of the senate, not more than two of whom may be from one political party, appointed by the committee on committees.

(2) In case of a vacancy, a replacement must be selected in the manner of the original appointment.

(3) Members are entitled to salary and expenses as provided in 5-2-302.

(4) The committee may request staff assistance from the legislative services division, which assistance may be provided within the limits established by the legislative services division, given other priorities and responsibilities.

(5) Each state agency that provides services or funding for a program or services for veterans shall provide assistance and information upon request of the committee.

NEW SECTION. Section 2.  Duties of committee. The committee on veterans' needs shall:

(1) provide a forum for the study of issues related to veterans' needs;

(2) continue to follow up on the issues identified by the 1993 and 1995 joint interim subcommittees on veterans' needs, as needed;

(3)  continue to review the continuum of veterans' services available throughout the state and the effects of federal changes and reform efforts;

(4) study the role of and potential for additional federally funded veterans' programs in Montana; and

(5) report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the 56th legislature.

NEW SECTION. Section 3.  Appropriation. There is appropriated $10,000 from cigarette tax state special revenue to the legislative services division for the support of the committee on veterans' needs for the biennium ending June 30, 1999.

NEW SECTION. Section 4.  Effective date. [This act] is effective July 1, 1997.

NEW SECTION. Section 5.  Termination. [This act] terminates June 30, 1999.