Montana Legislature
LAWS System Reports

Reports related to the 2001 Legislative Session:

TIP: If you download any of the non-HTML format reports, note that these reports display well when you open them in either WORDPAD or NOTEPAD. Both of these word processing softwares are typically found in Windows by clicking on the Start button and then accessing the Programs -> Accessories menu. Other text editors can be used to view these reports too.

Laws by Bill Number   (HTML Format) This file contains a list of bills that became law as a result of the 2001 Legislative session. The file is sorted by bill number and lists each chapter number.

Laws by Chapter Number   (HTML Format) This file contains a list of bills that became law as a result of the 2001 Legislative session. The file is sorted by chapter number and lists each bill number.

Cumulative Bill Status   Lists information about each introduced bill, including its corresponding LC (bill draft) number, primary sponsor, short title, and latest two actions on the bill. This list is sorted by bill number.

Cumulative Bill Draft Request List   Lists information about each bill draft request. This list is sorted by the bill draft request number (LC number).

Cumulative Bill Draft Request List with Links to Text and Status   (in HTML Format) Lists information about each bill draft request, and includes links to detailed status information, and to the latest version of the bill draft text or bill text, if it is available. This list is sorted by the bill draft request number (LC number).

Appropriation Bills, Revenue Bills, and Bills with Fiscal Notes Indicated--with Links   (in HTML Format) Lists information about: 1) Appropriation bills, 2) Revenue bills, and 3) Bills with Fiscal Note Indicated. Links are provided to the latest version of the bill text, to detailed status information, and to fiscal note text (if a fiscal note has been prepared and printed).

Session Law with Effective Dates   Session laws are bills that have been passed by the legislature and have been assigned a chapter number by the Secretary of State. This report lists each session law's chapter number, its associated bill number, and the session law's effective date(s). The session law directory contains the WordPerfect 5.1 text of each enrolled bill that has been assigned a chapter number.

Detailed Index of Introduced Bills  (Adobe PDF format). Professionally indexed by subject for all introduced bills.

Bill Draft Requests by Requester List   Lists information about bill draft requests and is sorted by requester.

Bill Draft Requests by Subject List   Lists information about bill draft requests and is sorted by subject category.

Bill Draft Request "By Request Of" List   Lists information about those bill draft requests which have been requested on behalf of an agency, legislative committee, or public office. This list is sorted by the requesting entity.

Sections Affected Report   This file contains sections affected data used for conflict checking.

Introduced Bill Statisics  (Adobe PDF format). Current statistics of all bills in all stages of the Legislative process.