Report: LAW0310L Run Time: Jun. 04, 2001 at 03:13 PM 2001MONTANA LEGISLATURE - (406)444-3064 57th Regular Session BILL DRAFT REQUEST BY "BY REQUEST OF" REPORT - For All "By Request Of" Entities - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some bill draft requests are requested on behalf of an agency, legislative committee, or public office. These are the requests listed in this report. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- By Request Of: (H) Appropriations Standing Committee LC1733 HJ 34 Requester: Haines, D Drafter: Petesch, G Study unfunded leave liability of state employees Sponsor: Haines, D LC1747 HB 651 Requester: Vick, S Drafter: Petesch, G Implement HB 2 by revising use of MTAP account Sponsor: Lewis, D By Request Of: (H) Joint Approp Subcommittee on Health & Human Services LC1724 SJ 17 Requester: Keenan, B Drafter: Petesch, G Dictate disposition of Xanthopoulos building Sponsor: Keenan, B LC1735 HB 615 Requester: Lewis, D Drafter: Petesch, G Revise TANF block grant maintenance of effort Sponsor: Lewis, D By Request Of: (H) Joint Approp Subcommittee on Long Range Planning LC1715 HB 533 Requester: Vick, S Drafter: Petesch, G Allow legislature to restrict personal services funds Sponsor: Vick, S LC1717 HB 577 Requester: McCann, M Drafter: Petesch, G Funding for information technology systems for Department of Justice Sponsor: McCann, M LC1727 HB 610 Requester: McCann, M Drafter: Petesch, G Reduce allocation to TSEP -increase allocation to permanent fund Sponsor: Kasten, D LC1729 Requester: McCann, M Drafter: Petesch, G Revise state deferred maintenance program LC1730 HB 613 Requester: McCann, M Drafter: Petesch, G Review personal services budget development Sponsor: Vick, S LC1731 HB 614 Requester: McCann, M Drafter: Petesch, G Revise prevailing wage rate requirements on public projects Sponsor: McCann, M By Request Of: (H) Joint Approp Subcommittee on Natural Resources and Commerce LC1728 HB 608 Requester: Haines, D Drafter: Petesch, G Recording nonmonetary settlements of contested cases Sponsor: Haines, D By Request Of: (H) Judiciary Standing Committee LC1720 HB 603 Requester: Shockley, J Drafter: MacMaster, J Revise agency notice of appeals to attorney general Sponsor: Shockley, J By Request Of: (H) Rules Standing Committee LC1209 HR 1 Requester: House Rules Co, Drafter: Petesch, G House rules Sponsor: Sliter, P By Request Of: (H) Taxation Standing Committee LC1741 HB 642 Requester: Story, B Drafter: Martin, J Revise distribution of oil and gas production taxes Sponsor: Story, B By Request Of: (H) Transportation Standing Committee LC1710 HB 620 Requester: Somerville, R Drafter: Kurtz, L Exempt purple heart veterans from light vehicle registration fees Sponsor: Devlin, R LC1718 HJ 36 Requester: Somerville, R Drafter: Kurtz, L Study transport of nuclear waste through state Sponsor: Bookout-Reinic, S LC1725 HJ 37 Requester: Gallus, S Drafter: Bohyer, D Study bicycle safety re highway planning, design, and use; driver ed./licensing Sponsor: Pattison, J LC1726 HB 611 Requester: Gallus, S Drafter: Menzies, L Revise law on equipment for bicycles Sponsor: Pattison, J By Request Of: (S) Agriculture, Livestock, and Irrigation Standing Committee LC1719 SJ 16 Requester: Holden, R Drafter: Sternberg, D Support efforts for low cost energy for irrigation Sponsor: Holden, R By Request Of: (S) Bills and Journal Standing Committee LC1704 SR 18 Requester: Miller, K Drafter: Petesch, G Urge abolishment of Senate Bills and Journals committee Sponsor: Miller, K By Request Of: (S) Business and Labor Standing Committee LC1723 SB 480 Requester: Berry, D Drafter: Bohyer, D State participation in pacific northwest economic region Sponsor: Berry, D By Request Of: (S) Education and Cultural Resources Standing Committee By Request Of: (S) Education and Cultural Resources Standing Committee LC1716 SB 425 Requester: Glaser, B Drafter: McClure, E Clarify vocational education agency laws for receipt of federal funds Sponsor: Glaser, B By Request Of: (S) Energy and Telecommunications Standing Committee LC1736 SB 491 Requester: Cole, M Drafter: Everts, T Revise telemarketing laws Sponsor: Taylor, M By Request Of: (S) Finance Standing Committee LC1569 SB 302 Requester: Keenan, B Drafter: Petesch, G Revise name of senate finance and claims Sponsor: Keenan, B LC1713 SB 405 Requester: Jergeson, G Drafter: Petesch, G Revise electronic government services Sponsor: Jergeson, G By Request Of: (S) Fish and Game Standing Committee LC1732 Requester: Sprague, M Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Increase boat decal fee LC1734 SB 492 Requester: Sprague, M Drafter: Petesch, G Increase boat identification number fee Sponsor: Sprague, M By Request Of: (S) Legislative Administration Standing Committee LC1707 SB 419 Requester: Grimes, D Drafter: Menzies, L Revise laws governing legislative interns Sponsor: Grimes, D By Request Of: (S) Local Government Standing Committee LC1711 SB 433 Requester: Mahlum, D Drafter: Kurtz, L County revenue distribution of forest reserve funds Sponsor: Elliott, J LC1748 SJ 22 Requester: Mahlum, D Drafter: Kurtz, L Interim study of health insurance and rising health care costs Sponsor: Christiaens, C By Request Of: (S) Rules Standing Committee LC1210 SR 1 Requester: Senate Rules C, Drafter: Petesch, G Senate rules Sponsor: Thomas, F By Request Of: (S) State Administration Standing Committee LC1516 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Restrict assignment of interim committee bills By Request Of: (S) State Administration Standing Committee LC1687 SR 7 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm board of regents nominees Sponsor: Franklin, E LC1688 SR 16 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm board of public education nominee Sponsor: Franklin, E LC1690 SR 5 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of administration Sponsor: Elliott, J LC1691 SR 6 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of agriculture Sponsor: Butcher, E LC1692 SR 13 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of commerce Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1693 SR 11 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of corrections Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1694 SR 12 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of environmental quality Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1695 SR 14 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of fish, wildlife, and parks Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1696 SR 15 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of labor and industry Sponsor: Ekegren, P LC1697 SR 10 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of military affairs Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1698 SR 9 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of natural resources and conservation Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1699 SR 8 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of public health and human services Sponsor: Toole, K LC1700 SR 17 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of revenue Sponsor: Elliott, J LC1701 SR 4 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm director of transportation Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1702 SR 3 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm members of NW power planning council Sponsor: Bohlinger, J LC1712 SB 356 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Petesch, G Attach board of review to department of revenue Sponsor: Hargrove, D By Request Of: (S) State Administration Standing Committee LC1721 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Petesch, G Limit use of recorded voice answering at state agencies LC1722 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Support McCain-Feingold legislation LC1737 SR 19 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm appointments to professional licensing boards Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1745 SR 22 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm appointments to certain boards Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1752 SR 23 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm additional nominees for specified entities Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1754 SR 24 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm nominations Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC1755 SR 25 Requester: Hargrove, D Drafter: Niss, D Confirm regent Semmens Sponsor: Franklin, E By Request Of: (S) Taxation Standing Committee LC0045 Requester: Jergeson, G Drafter: Martin, J Residential income tax relief LC1743 SB 511 Requester: DePratu, B Drafter: Heiman, L Revise university system funding through trust land use Sponsor: Thomas, F LC1749 SJ 21 Requester: DePratu, B Drafter: Martin, J Interim study of taxation of nonagricultural land Sponsor: Grosfield, L By Request Of: Attorney General LC0597 HB 175 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Revise health care information act for disclosure to medical examiner Sponsor: Jent, L LC0598 SB 328 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Transfer extradition costs to governor's office Sponsor: Wells, J LC0599 HB 271 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Revise state-tribal cooperative agreements law Sponsor: Jayne, J LC0600 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Remove mudflap exemption from certain motor vehicles LC0689 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Revise responsibilities of DOJ for driver records and accident involvement By Request Of: Attorney General LC0690 HB 373 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Clarify registration requirements for vehicle ownership Sponsor: Schmidt, T LC0691 HB 191 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Revise minor in possession laws Sponsor: Gallus, S LC0692 HB 375 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L clarify nonresident health care professional vehicle registration exemption Sponsor: Carney, E LC0693 HB 156 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Revise motor vehicle dealer laws - prohibit curbstoning Sponsor: Matthews, G LC0694 HB 363 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Revise driver licensing and motor carrier safety Sponsor: Wanzenried, D LC0695 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Revise proof of financial responsibility laws LC1100 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Increase fee for duplicate vehicle title LC1101 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Fee for issuing bonded vehicle title LC1102 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Increase fee for duplicate driver's license LC1103 SB 293 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Adopt Montana driver privacy protection act Sponsor: Doherty, S LC1104 HB 444 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Reauthorize natural resource damage program Sponsor: Somerville, R Also by request of: Governor LC1105 HB 369 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Maintain minimum cigarette pack size in tobacco settlement Sponsor: Laslovich, J LC1106 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Restrict tobacco sales in proximity to schools LC1107 HB 261 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Illegal operation of clandestine dangerous drugs lab Sponsor: Jent, L LC1108 HB 213 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Uniform interstate enforcement of domestic violence protection orders act Sponsor: Newman, B LC1109 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Adoption incentives for state employees By Request Of: Attorney General LC1110 SB 254 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Create office of victims services Sponsor: Halligan, M LC1111 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Include burglary as crime for collection of DNA sample LC1112 HB 184 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Include DUI as criminal history record--allow photo & fingerprinting of violator Sponsor: Gallus, S LC1113 HB 317 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Clarify charging by complaint -- signature under oath Sponsor: Peterson, K LC1114 HB 391 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Clarify traffic law on stationary emergency vehicle Sponsor: Cyr, L LC1115 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Primary enforcement of seat belt law LC1116 HB 331 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Criminal offense of theft of identity Sponsor: Eggers, B LC1156 HB 336 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Clarify no cost for service of order of protection Sponsor: Gutsche, G By Request Of: Business and Labor Interim Committee LC0007 SB 121 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: McClure, E Require registration and bond for postsecondary schools Sponsor: Shea, D LC0069 SB 122 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: Campbell, B Generally revise cooperative association laws Sponsor: Shea, D LC0118 SB 96 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: McClure, E Revise waiting period for temporary total disability benefits - work comp Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0119 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: McClure, E Revise rehabilitation benefits LC0120 SB 97 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: McClure, E Revise travel expenses for medical treatment for work comp Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0121 SB 151 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: Higgins, G Prohibit government sale of fitness services Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0122 HB 73 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: Higgins, G Full cost accounting pilot program Sponsor: Brown, R By Request Of: Business and Labor Interim Committee LC0123 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: Higgins, G Commercial services inventory - monitor offer of goods and services LC0124 SB 98 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: Martin, J Revise permanent partial disability benefits - work comp Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0125 Requester: Business and L, Drafter: Martin, J Fund safety inspections By Request Of: Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee LC0097 HB 38 Requester: Children, Fami, Drafter: Fox, S Purchase state surplus vehicles for participants in state TANF-funded programs Sponsor: Schmidt, T By Request Of: Code Commissioner LC0192 HB 25 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Code commissioner bill Sponsor: Sliter, P By Request Of: Department of Administration LC0089 SB 176 Requester: McNutt, W Drafter: Lane, V Revise district court funding -- state assumption Sponsor: McNutt, W Also by request of: Department Of Revenue LC0275 HB 34 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Extend bond validating act Sponsor: Gallik, D By Request Of: Department of Administration LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Also by request of: Department Of Fish, Wildlife, And Parks By Request Of: Department of Administration LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Department Of Revenue By Request Of: Department of Administration LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D State Library Commission LC0277 SB 61 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Revise volume cap bond law Sponsor: Johnson, R LC0279 SB 37 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Increase retiree hours of public employment limit Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0280 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Removal of vehicles violating capitol parking restrictions LC0281 SB 50 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Smoke free state buildings Sponsor: Waterman, M LC0289 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Require state coordination with Helena police for Capitol area law enforcement LC0290 HB 100 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Revise process for classification appeals for state jobs Sponsor: Price, W LC0309 SB 133 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise fund type terminology Sponsor: Jergeson, G LC0334 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Alternative public works construction contracts LC0376 HB 112 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Establish policy governing e-mail as a public record--privacy in communications Sponsor: Brueggeman, J LC1216 HB 13 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G State pay plan Sponsor: Lewis, D Also by request of: Office Of Budget And Program Planning By Request Of: Department of Agriculture LC0214 SB 81 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Transfer agricultural heritage program to DNRC Sponsor: Hargrove, D Also by request of: Department Of Natural Resources And Conservation LC0249 SB 55 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Clarify bailment laws -- agricultural commodity dealers Sponsor: Cole, M LC0250 SB 165 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify growth through agriculture laws Sponsor: Cole, M By Request Of: Department of Agriculture LC0251 SB 143 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Increase pesticide and groundwater fees Sponsor: Ekegren, P By Request Of: Department of Commerce LC0225 HB 95 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise licensing of weighing and measuring devices Sponsor: Matthews, G LC0226 HB 138 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise deferred deposit loan laws Sponsor: Mangan, J LC0227 HB 120 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Generally revise professional licensing laws Sponsor: McKenney, J LC0228 HB 40 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Retain coal tax for treasure state endowment regional water system funding Sponsor: Witt, J LC0229 HB 47 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise laws governing state investments Sponsor: Price, W LC0230 HB 26 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Exempt certain horseracing personnel from work comp Sponsor: Clark, E LC0238 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise pharmacy laws LC0239 HB 50 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise chemical dependency licensing laws -- addiction councelors Sponsor: Juneau, C LC0240 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Errors and omissions insurance coverage for real estate or timeshare brokers LC0241 SB 34 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise health facility authority law Sponsor: Johnson, R LC0242 SB 30 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise traction license for steam locomotive Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0243 HB 145 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise state building code Sponsor: Dale, R LC0312 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Commerce as criminal justice agency LC0377 HB 43 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Treasure state endowment program emergency grants Sponsor: Holden, L Also by request of: Office Of Budget And Program Planning By Request Of: Department of Commerce LC0427 HB 49 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise micro business development laws - appropriate coal tax Sponsor: McKenney, J Also by request of: Governor LC0440 HB 35 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Authorize additional lottery agreements with governmental entities Sponsor: McKenney, J LC0709 HB 11 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Fund treasure state endowment projects Sponsor: Kasten, D Also by request of: Office Of Budget And Program Planning By Request Of: Department of Corrections LC0263 HB 146 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Revise youth court act relating to detention and placement of youth Sponsor: Shockley, J LC0311 HB 157 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Felony for transfer of illegal article to prisoner, other than weapon or drugs Sponsor: Gallus, S LC0318 SB 76 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Improve collection of victim restitution Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC0319 HB 104 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Petition to conform written sentence to oral pronouncement Sponsor: Clark, P LC0342 HB 151 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Clarify probation laws Sponsor: Newman, B LC0373 SB 40 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Interstate compact for adult offender supervision Sponsor: Christiaens, C By Request Of: Department of Environmental Quality LC0264 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Revise major facility siting act LC0271 SB 146 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Revise water and wastewater operator certification Sponsor: Keenan, B LC0272 SB 147 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Revise public sewage and water supply system laws Sponsor: Keenan, B LC0273 HB 147 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Require EIS completion within 1 year of mining permit acceptance Sponsor: Dale, R LC0274 SB 161 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Revise solid waste fees Sponsor: Hargrove, D By Request Of: Department of Environmental Quality LC0286 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Revise petroleum tank fund eligibility LC0287 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Establish environmental rehabilitation and response account LC0288 HB 125 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Revise information for temporary water quality standards Sponsor: Younkin, C LC0302 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Revise CECRA LC0306 HB 12 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise building energy conservation project laws -- general obligation bonds Sponsor: Haines, D Also by request of: Office Of Budget And Program Planning LC0307 SB 92 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Extend recycling tax credit -- revise credit Sponsor: Halligan, M LC0325 HB 118 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Revise clean air act Sponsor: Clancy, G LC0343 SB 167 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Revise sanitation in subdivision laws Sponsor: Stonington, E LC0353 SB 83 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Modify procedures to assess administrative penalties by DEQ Sponsor: McCarthy, B LC0371 SB 84 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Revise administrative penalties for environmental law violations Sponsor: McCarthy, B LC0473 HB 126 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise hearing process for certain environmental laws Sponsor: Younkin, C LC0703 SB 168 Requester: Stonington, E Drafter: Mitchell, L Increase junk vehicle fees Sponsor: Stonington, E By Request Of: Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks By Request Of: Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Also by request of: Department Of Administration By Request Of: Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Department Of Revenue By Request Of: Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D State Library Commission LC0283 HB 142 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Authorize rules restricting nonresident mountain lion licenses Sponsor: Somerville, R LC0284 SB 104 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Revise fish and game enforcement laws Sponsor: Sprague, M LC0285 HB 99 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Repeal termination of separation of nonresident deer and elk license Sponsor: Devlin, R LC0303 HB 39 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Revise statutes regulating fishing by youths and seniors Sponsor: Fuchs, D LC0304 SB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Enterprise fund for state park visitor services Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0435 HB 132 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Revise laws on motorboat fee in lieu of tax Sponsor: Brueggeman, J LC0436 SB 163 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Reclassify certain species for management purposes Sponsor: Grosfield, L LC1007 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Clarify management of prairie dogs By Request Of: Department of Justice LC0846 SB 113 Requester: Nelson, L Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify law on crime victim's compensation account Sponsor: Nelson, L By Request Of: Department of Labor and Industry LC0252 SB 32 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Authorize safety recommendation to employer for safety culture act violations Sponsor: Shea, D LC0253 HB 87 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E One stop delivery system for workforce investment act Sponsor: Masolo, G LC0345 HB 150 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Exempt certain benefits from attachment Sponsor: Bitney, R LC0414 SB 164 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Generally revise workers' compensation and related laws Sponsor: McNutt, W By Request Of: Department of Labor and Industry LC0415 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise laws governing professional employer organizations By Request Of: Department of Military Affairs LC0313 HB 52 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Adopt most recent federal military laws Sponsor: Gallik, D By Request Of: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation LC0145 SB 31 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise state trust land laws Sponsor: Berry, D LC0146 SB 75 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Clarify state land lease due date Sponsor: Jergeson, G LC0147 SB 159 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Revise laws governing state land easements Sponsor: Grosfield, L LC0148 SB 102 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Authorize trust land exchanges with state and local governments Sponsor: Cole, M LC0149 SB 103 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Deposit state lands recreational use fines and penalties in general fund Sponsor: Zook, T LC0150 HB 159 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Revise water pollution revolving fund laws Sponsor: Vick, S LC0151 HB 44 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Eliminate licensing procedures for portable sawmills Sponsor: Haines, D LC0172 SB 42 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Revise Red Rock Lakes water compact Sponsor: McCarthy, B LC0214 SB 81 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Transfer agricultural heritage program to DNRC Sponsor: Hargrove, D Also by request of: Department Of Agriculture LC0215 HB 46 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Exempt certain water project contracts from procurement procedures Sponsor: Dale, R LC0216 HB 33 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Short term water right lease for road work or dust abatement Sponsor: Younkin, C LC0217 HB 129 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Exempt replacement water wells from change authorization Sponsor: Bales, K By Request Of: Department of Natural Resources and Conservation LC0218 HB 113 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Revise grazing district laws Sponsor: Devlin, R LC0219 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Interim study on water rights for ponds LC0220 SB 91 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Finance livestock containment facilities through renewable resource program Sponsor: Tash, B LC0221 SB 160 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Clarify need for water right Sponsor: Grosfield, L LC0222 HB 114 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Revise water use laws - define developed spring Sponsor: Story, B LC0224 HB 45 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Advance funds from water revolving funds Sponsor: Witt, J LC0736 HB 6 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Renewable resource grant and loan appropriations Sponsor: McCann, M Also by request of: Office Of Budget And Program Planning LC0737 HB 7 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Reclamation and development grant appropriations Sponsor: McCann, M Also by request of: Office Of Budget And Program Planning LC0848 HB 8 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Renewable resource bonds and loans -- coal tax bonds Sponsor: McCann, M Also by request of: Office Of Budget And Program Planning By Request Of: Department of Public Health and Human Services LC0261 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Revise abuse and neglect laws LC0262 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Parental contributions to youth's support LC0282 SB 171 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Revise child support enforcement program Sponsor: Glaser, B LC0291 SB 38 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Revise medical support reform act Sponsor: Grimes, D LC0292 SB 28 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Revise process for modification of child support orders Sponsor: Halligan, M LC0314 SB 29 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lane, V Revise jurisdiction for child abuse - youth court Sponsor: McNutt, W By Request Of: Department of Public Health and Human Services LC0315 SB 169 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Pregnancy screening for hepatitis B Sponsor: Franklin, E LC0316 SB 166 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Revise tuberculosis laws Sponsor: Stonington, E LC0317 HB 79 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Revise personal care facility laws Sponsor: Thomas, B LC0385 SB 129 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Implement tobacco settlement trust fund Sponsor: Berry, D LC0416 SB 77 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise laws governing public assistance Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC0426 SB 116 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: MacMaster, J Revise laws concerning child abuse & neglect and placement or adoption Sponsor: Stonington, E LC0428 HB 101 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise laws governing county welfare offices Sponsor: Brown, R LC0429 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Appropriate drug rebate money to Medicaid program and to mental health services LC0437 SB 178 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Repeal certificate of need for health care facilities laws if program not funded Sponsor: Tash, B LC0438 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Revise developmental disabilities planning and advisory council LC0441 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Authorize increased poverty level for CHIP participation LC0444 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Discretionary medicaid resource limits for pregnant women and infants By Request Of: Department of Revenue LC0089 SB 176 Requester: McNutt, W Drafter: Lane, V Revise district court funding -- state assumption Sponsor: McNutt, W Also by request of: Department Of Administration LC0248 SB 67 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Revise laws governing changes to property for tax purposes Sponsor: Ellis, A LC0259 HB 143 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Revise income tax laws for pass-through entities Sponsor: Somerville, R By Request Of: Department of Revenue LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Also by request of: Department Of Administration By Request Of: Department of Revenue LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Department Of Fish, Wildlife, And Parks By Request Of: Department of Revenue LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D State Library Commission LC0308 HB 64 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Property appraiser access to property -- trespass exception Sponsor: Peterson, K LC0333 SB 68 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Revise property tax statement for income and expense changes Sponsor: Ellis, A LC0340 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Transfer cable tv system property to class 13 LC0341 HB 149 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Provide confidentiality for certain centrally assessed tax returns and reports Sponsor: Dale, R LC0346 SB 44 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Revise penalty accrual for warrant for distraint -- uniform penalty and interest Sponsor: Bishop, A LC0347 SB 45 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Revise provisions for obtaining refund of taxes paid on migratory property Sponsor: Ellis, A LC0348 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Clarify inheritance tax rate for future interest LC0349 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Procedure to revise taxable value for urban renewal and TIF districts LC0350 SB 39 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Clarify taxation of insurance corporation taxable investment income Sponsor: Elliott, J LC0351 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Notice of classification and appraisal to single owner LC0352 SB 144 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Transfer county collections report and other duties to department of revenue Sponsor: Nelson, L LC0354 SB 46 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Notice of levy efficacious as writ of execution Sponsor: Bishop, A LC0355 SB 47 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Use of warrant for distraint for debt collection Sponsor: Bishop, A LC0356 SB 69 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Revise warrant for distraint laws Sponsor: Bishop, A By Request Of: Department of Revenue LC0357 HB 37 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Revise mill levy certification Sponsor: Witt, J LC0358 SB 48 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Clarify out-of-state direct shipment of alcoholic beverages to Montanans Sponsor: Sprague, M LC0372 SB 142 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Procedure when US becomes liquor license owner Sponsor: Sprague, M LC0780 SB 119 Requester: Berry, D Drafter: Petesch, G Increase cigarette tax and revise distribution for education -- referendum Sponsor: Berry, D Also by request of: Governor By Request Of: Department of Transportation LC0209 SB 152 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Revise laws for disposition of excess DOT land Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0210 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Revise attorney fee computation under eminent domain LC0211 HB 166 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Allow conveyance of wetland mitigation site with perpetual conservation covenant Sponsor: Lee, M LC0212 HB 154 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Revise recording plane coordinates of land boundaries Sponsor: McGee, D LC0213 SJ 6 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Interim study of traffic codes Sponsor: Mohl, A LC0223 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Civil penalties for motor fuel violations LC0326 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Kurtz, L Alternative expense reimbursement for collective bargaining unit employees LC0327 HB 148 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Revise laws on electronic filing for gasoline & special fuels taxes Sponsor: Jacobson, H LC0328 HB 131 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Stop and inspection authority for diesel fuel violations Sponsor: Somerville, R LC0329 SB 153 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Revise penalty for late motor fuel tax returns Sponsor: O'Neil, J By Request Of: Department of Transportation LC0330 HB 127 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Minimum bond for fuel importers and exporters and denial of distributor license Sponsor: Wanzenried, D LC0331 SB 58 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Imposing civil penalty and revising criminal penalty for motor fuel violations Sponsor: Halligan, M LC0332 SB 150 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Civil penalty for failure to mark dyed fuel pump Sponsor: Hargrove, D LC0443 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Study committee for design-build/warranty contracting for roads and bridges By Request Of: Education Interim Committee LC0128 HB 62 Requester: Education Inte, Drafter: Kurtz, L Revise juvenile probation officer salary structure Sponsor: Mangan, J LC0173 SB 65 Requester: Education Inte, Drafter: Erickson, C Revise out of district tuition laws Sponsor: Ellis, A By Request Of: Environmental Quality Council LC0158 SB 33 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Everts, T Revise MEPA - remand of new issues Sponsor: McCarthy, B LC0159 SJ 3 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Everts, T Study MEPA related issues Sponsor: McCarthy, B LC0160 HB 92 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Vandenbosch, M Appropriate funds for land use planning grants Sponsor: Gillan, K LC0161 SB 6 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Petesch, G Limit landowner liability for condemned property Sponsor: Cole, M LC0162 SB 7 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify eminent domain laws Sponsor: Cole, M LC0163 HB 22 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify that easement is preferred interest taken in eminent domain Sponsor: Lindeen, M LC0164 HB 93 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Lee Evans, K Include damage reduction measures in eminent domain proceedings Sponsor: Gillan, K By Request Of: Environmental Quality Council LC0165 HB 94 Requester: Environmental, Drafter: Mitchell, L Clarify notice to potentially liable persons for environmental release Sponsor: Gillan, K By Request Of: Governor LC0132 HB 42 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Teacher national certification stipends Sponsor: Masolo, G Also by request of: Office Of Public Instruction LC0427 HB 49 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise micro business development laws - appropriate coal tax Sponsor: McKenney, J Also by request of: Department Of Commerce LC0479 Requester: Berry, D Drafter: Heiman, L Increase tobacco tax LC0480 HB 65 Requester: Lawson, B Drafter: McClure, E Teacher mentoring or induction program Sponsor: Lawson, B LC0515 HB 60 Requester: Olson, A Drafter: McClure, E Teacher scholarship program Sponsor: Olson, A LC0601 HB 121 Requester: Mood, D Drafter: McClure, E Increase per-ANB and basic entitlements for public schools Sponsor: Mood, D LC0668 HB 140 Requester: Masolo, G Drafter: McClure, E Loan repayment assistance for teachers with certain certifications Sponsor: Masolo, G LC0780 SB 119 Requester: Berry, D Drafter: Petesch, G Increase cigarette tax and revise distribution for education -- referendum Sponsor: Berry, D Also by request of: Department Of Revenue LC0941 SB 445 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Reorganize department of commerce Sponsor: Taylor, M LC0942 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Sternberg, D Block management to increase access to rivers and streams LC0943 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Transfer certain functions to Governor's office LC0944 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Economic development LC0945 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Revise income tax LC1104 HB 444 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Everts, T Reauthorize natural resource damage program Sponsor: Somerville, R Also by request of: Attorney General By Request Of: Governor LC1206 HB 5 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Appropriate money for capital projects Sponsor: McCann, M LC1217 HB 14 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Long-range building general obligation bonds Sponsor: McCann, M LC1221 HB 16 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Increase accomodations tax for heritage tourism projects Sponsor: Somerville, R Also by request of: Montana Historical Society LC1583 Requester: DePratu, B Drafter: Heiman, L Jobs credit for taxation purposes LC1676 SB 352 Requester: Holden, R Drafter: Heiman, L Grace period for property tax payment Sponsor: Holden, R LC1677 Requester: Sliter, P Drafter: Bohyer, D Governor's office of congressional affairs By Request Of: Joint Rules Committee LC1208 SJ 1 Requester: Joint Rules Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Joint rules Sponsor: Thomas, F By Request Of: Law, Justice, and Indian Affairs Interim Committee LC0101 HB 165 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: McClure, E Repatriation for human remains Sponsor: Gutsche, G LC0102 SB 158 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Lane, V Create intermediate appellate court Sponsor: Grosfield, L LC0103 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify that fair market value must be obtained for school trust lands LC0104 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Providing that a physician-assistant certified may perform previability abortion LC0105 HB 29 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Eliminate conflicts in law concerning security deposit of departing tenant Sponsor: Noennig, M LC0106 SB 4 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify discharge from employment during probationary period Sponsor: Grimes, D LC0107 HB 20 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Exclude election judges from unemployment insurance Sponsor: Shockley, J By Request Of: Law, Justice, and Indian Affairs Interim Committee LC0108 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Establishing viability as an element of the offense of partial-birth abortion LC0109 SB 20 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Codify family law exception to contempt appeals Sponsor: Halligan, M LC0110 SB 5 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify information disclosure of peer review committee Sponsor: Grimes, D LC0111 HB 30 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarifying place to receive custody of youth Sponsor: Matthews, G LC0112 HB 115 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify weapon enhancement statute Sponsor: Shockley, J LC0115 SB 170 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Lane, V Revise child abuse and neglect laws Sponsor: Halligan, M LC0116 HB 21 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Kurtz, L Extend duration of Indian economic development commission Sponsor: Eggers, B LC0117 HB 128 Requester: Law, Justice,, Drafter: Fox, S Authorize criminal statutes revision commission Sponsor: Shockley, J By Request Of: Legislative Audit Committee LC0832 SB 120 Requester: Tester, J Drafter: Petesch, G Change fund type for deposit of surplus property receipts Sponsor: Tester, J LC0833 SB 112 Requester: Nelson, L Drafter: Petesch, G Allow 911 accounts to retain investment earnings Sponsor: Nelson, L LC0834 HB 119 Requester: Vick, S Drafter: Petesch, G Clarify hearings officer use by board of pardons and parole Sponsor: Vick, S By Request Of: Legislative Council LC0193 SB 10 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise laws governing interim committees and their functions Sponsor: Stonington, E LC0194 SB 180 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise and clarify laws governing special sessions Sponsor: Beck, T LC0195 SB 11 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise laws relating to presession caucus and legislative orientation Sponsor: Shea, D By Request Of: Legislative Council LC0344 HB 144 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Maly, S Statewide legislative proceeding broadcasting Sponsor: Noennig, M By Request Of: Legislative Finance Committee LC0076 SB 131 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise information technology laws - chief information officer Sponsor: Taylor, M LC0270 HB 41 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise laws governing dedicated revenue and statutory appropriations Sponsor: Witt, J LC0305 HB 69 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Mitchell, L Revise mining laws Sponsor: McCann, M LC0367 SB 135 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Fox, S Revise laws governing mental health managed care ombudsman Sponsor: Waterman, M LC0368 SB 108 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Fox, S Advanced practice registered nurse as professional person for mental health Sponsor: Franklin, E LC0369 SB 82 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Fox, S Revise laws on public mental health system and managed care Sponsor: Keenan, B LC0370 SJ 2 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Fox, S Urge training on mental illness Sponsor: Waterman, M LC0513 HJ 1 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Fox, S Interim study of mental health services Sponsor: McCann, M LC0514 SB 107 Requester: Legislative Fi, Drafter: Fox, S Allow teleconferencing in mental health proceedings Sponsor: Franklin, E By Request Of: Local Government Funding and Structure Committee LC0090 HB 124 Requester: Grosfield, L Drafter: Petesch, G Revise local government funding (a.k.a. The Big Bill) Sponsor: Story, B LC0420 SB 137 Requester: Grosfield, L Drafter: Petesch, G Establish state-local relationships interim committee Sponsor: Nelson, L LC0421 SB 138 Requester: Grosfield, L Drafter: Petesch, G Revise local government accounting laws Sponsor: Nelson, L LC0422 SB 162 Requester: Grosfield, L Drafter: Petesch, G Review of local government revenue dedication laws Sponsor: Grosfield, L By Request Of: Local Government Funding and Structure Committee LC0423 SB 155 Requester: Grosfield, L Drafter: Petesch, G Allow all cities and counties to adopt local option sales tax Sponsor: Halligan, M LC0424 Requester: Grosfield, L Drafter: Petesch, G Local option realty transfer tax By Request Of: Montana Historical Society LC1221 HB 16 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Increase accomodations tax for heritage tourism projects Sponsor: Somerville, R Also by request of: Governor By Request Of: Office of Budget and Program Planning LC0306 HB 12 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise building energy conservation project laws -- general obligation bonds Sponsor: Haines, D Also by request of: Department Of Environmental Quality LC0377 HB 43 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Treasure state endowment program emergency grants Sponsor: Holden, L Also by request of: Department Of Commerce LC0439 SB 179 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise budgeting and appropriation laws Sponsor: Zook, T LC0442 SB 172 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Clarifying distribution of income from certain state funds Sponsor: Johnson, R LC0656 HB 10 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Appropriate oil overcharge payments Sponsor: Kasten, D LC0657 HB 17 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Supplemental appropriation for DNRC fire costs Sponsor: Haines, D LC0708 HB 3 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Supplemental appropriations Sponsor: Fisher, S LC0709 HB 11 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Fund treasure state endowment projects Sponsor: Kasten, D Also by request of: Department Of Commerce LC0735 HB 2 Requester: Vick, S Drafter: Petesch, G General appropriations act Sponsor: Vick, S LC0736 HB 6 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Renewable resource grant and loan appropriations Sponsor: McCann, M Also by request of: Department Of Natural Resources And Conservation By Request Of: Office of Budget and Program Planning LC0737 HB 7 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Reclamation and development grant appropriations Sponsor: McCann, M Also by request of: Department Of Natural Resources And Conservation LC0738 HB 9 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Cultural and aesthetic grant appropriations Sponsor: Kasten, D LC0848 HB 8 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Renewable resource bonds and loans -- coal tax bonds Sponsor: McCann, M Also by request of: Department Of Natural Resources And Conservation LC1216 HB 13 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G State pay plan Sponsor: Lewis, D Also by request of: Department Of Administration LC1229 HB 4 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Appropriations otherwise made by budget amendment Sponsor: Witt, J LC1243 HB 15 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G General obligation bonds for information technology projects Sponsor: McCann, M By Request Of: Office of Public Instruction LC0129 HB 31 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Increase per-ANB and basic entitlements for schools Sponsor: Juneau, C LC0130 HB 164 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Revise school general fund budget limitations Sponsor: Olson, A LC0131 HB 162 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Increase pupil transportation rate Sponsor: Jacobson, H LC0132 HB 42 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Teacher national certification stipends Sponsor: Masolo, G Also by request of: Governor LC0133 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Increasing school facility entitlements to account for inflation LC0134 HB 103 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Multi-year accreditation of schools Sponsor: Olson, A LC0135 HB 134 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Revise vocational and technical education funding and definitions Sponsor: Facey, T LC0136 HB 160 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Revise special education funding allocations Sponsor: Andersen, J By Request Of: Office of Public Instruction LC0137 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Free and appropriate education for 19 - 21 year old students with disabilities LC0138 HB 161 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Expand non-categorical option for special education Sponsor: Lee, M LC0139 HB 91 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Coordinate school election dates for write-in candidates Sponsor: Golie, G LC0140 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Revise levy limit for schools LC0141 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Revise school budgeting and accounting laws LC0142 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Revise school finance laws LC0143 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Interim study of school funding LC0382 HB 163 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Revise schedule for school transportation reimbursement Sponsor: Jacobson, H LC0411 SB 94 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Include 40% of special education allowable cost payment in BASE budget Sponsor: Shea, D LC0412 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Eliminate phase down of school dist. budget in excess of max. gen. fund budget LC1474 SB 390 Requester: Cobb, J Drafter: Erickson, C Revise school finance laws - flexibility program Sponsor: Cobb, J By Request Of: Public Employees' Retirement Board LC0310 HB 116 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Generally revise the PERS defined contribution retirement plan Sponsor: Mood, D LC0335 HB 152 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Revise public retirement laws Sponsor: Gallik, D LC0474 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Revise contribution rates for optional retirement By Request Of: Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee LC0032 SB 175 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Revise light vehicle registration fees & other motor vehicle laws Sponsor: Glaser, B By Request Of: Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee LC0034 SB 2 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Allow S corporation to prorate out-of-state income tax payments Sponsor: Stonington, E LC0035 HB 18 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Heiman, L Allow temporary speed limit pending permanent speed limit Sponsor: Somerville, R LC0048 HJ 2 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Revenue estimating resolution Sponsor: Somerville, R LC0052 SB 173 Requester: Ellis, A Drafter: Heiman, L Revise and reform income taxes Sponsor: Ellis, A LC0190 HB 23 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Generally revise local government debt limits and certain bonding provisions Sponsor: Erickson, R LC0191 HB 24 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Revise debt limits of public schools Sponsor: Erickson, R LC0234 SB 71 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Uniform distribution of motor vehicle revenue to district courts Sponsor: Glaser, B LC0235 SB 72 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Uniform distribution of motor vehicle revenue to highway account Sponsor: Glaser, B LC0236 SB 174 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Vehicle revenue distributed based on local mill levies Sponsor: Glaser, B LC0237 SB 73 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Martin, J Generally revise distribution of motor vehicle revenue Sponsor: Glaser, B LC0380 HB 57 Requester: Revenue and Ta, Drafter: Heiman, L Transfer $0.5 million from sec. 8 housing to afford. housing revolving account Sponsor: Erickson, R By Request Of: Secretary of State LC1064 HB 234 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Petesch, G Uniform electronic transactions act Sponsor: Lawson, B LC1065 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Revise election laws LC1066 HB 235 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise use of business name identifiers registered with state Sponsor: Brown, R LC1067 HB 443 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Revise notary laws Sponsor: Clancy, G By Request Of: Secretary of State LC1347 HB 639 Requester: Masolo, G Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Fees charged by Secretary of State must be commensurate with overall costs Sponsor: Barrett, D By Request Of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, and Veterans' Affairs Interim C LC0006 Requester: Ellingson, J Drafter: Heiman, L General fund appropriation to fund economic development programs Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0058 SB 90 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: MacMaster, J Generally revise government purchasing laws Sponsor: Ekegren, P Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0197 HB 48 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Bohyer, D Appropriation to implement state contracting recommendations Sponsor: Clark, E Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0198 SB 51 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Public employee qualified health care expense accounts Sponsor: Hargrove, D Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0199 HB 63 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Disability benefits plan for defined contribution retirement plan Sponsor: Dell, T Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0200 SJ 5 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Study veterans' issues Sponsor: Roush, G Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0201 SB 52 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Niss, D Release of unclaimed veteran's remains from funeral home Sponsor: Roush, G Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0202 HB 78 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Heffelfinger, S Clarify law on special & personalized military license plates for disabled vets Sponsor: Clark, E Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0203 SB 53 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Niss, D Disabled vet. vehicle reg. reduced fee for certain vehicles other than car Sponsor: Roush, G Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, LC0204 SB 54 Requester: State Administ, Drafter: Niss, D Revise hunting license for active duty military Sponsor: Roush, G Also by request of: State Administration, Public Retirement Systems, By Request Of: State Auditor By Request Of: State Auditor LC0962 HB 417 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Uniform licensing of insurance producers Sponsor: Price, W LC0963 HB 504 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise insurance laws Sponsor: Gallik, D LC0964 SB 465 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Revise insurance information and privacy act Sponsor: Franklin, E LC0965 SB 357 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise viatical settlement laws Sponsor: Ryan, D LC0966 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise insurance unfair trade practices laws LC0967 HB 380 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Limit use of credit history in insurance underwriting and issuance Sponsor: Eggers, B LC0968 SB 315 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Fox, S Subsidized premiums for comprehensive health association coverage Sponsor: Franklin, E LC0969 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Facilitate e-commerce in insurance and securities LC0970 SB 373 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Licensing and regulation of captive insurers Sponsor: Halligan, M LC0971 SB 316 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Martin, J Tax credit for small business health insurance premiums Sponsor: Stonington, E LC0972 HB 542 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Transfer duties for collecting surplus lines stamping fee Sponsor: Musgrove, J LC0973 SB 392 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Status of auto insurance policy after collision with animal Sponsor: Cobb, J LC0974 SB 441 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Study funding for comprehensive health plan Sponsor: Christiaens, C LC0975 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise insurance law to comply with federal requirements LC0976 SB 349 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise securities act to promote capital investment Sponsor: Tester, J LC0977 SB 330 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Higgins, G Revise laws on pyramid promotional schemes Sponsor: Mahlum, D LC0978 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Campbell, B Revise securities act of Montana By Request Of: State Compensation Insurance Fund LC0260 SB 145 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: McClure, E Revise laws governing state fund personnel and policies Sponsor: Berry, D By Request Of: State Library Commission LC0246 SB 149 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Voter establishment of library districts Sponsor: Grosfield, L LC0247 HB 130 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Erickson, C Revising library laws Sponsor: Lawson, B By Request Of: State Library Commission LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Also by request of: Department Of Administration By Request Of: State Library Commission LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Department Of Fish, Wildlife, And Parks By Request Of: State Library Commission LC0276 HB 105 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Provide geographic data development fund Sponsor: Haines, D Department Of Revenue By Request Of: State Tax Appeal Board LC0278 HB 36 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Heiman, L Revise cabin site lease valuation appeal Sponsor: Gallik, D By Request Of: Teachers' Retirement Board LC0207 HB 97 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Revise laws governing teachers' retirement system Sponsor: Lewis, D LC0208 Requester: Legislative Co, Drafter: Niss, D Lump sum payment for teachers' retirement system By Request Of: Transition Advisory Committee on Electric Utility Industry Restructuring LC0320 SB 56 Requester: Transition Adv, Drafter: Everts, T Modify universal system benefit credits Sponsor: McNutt, W LC0321 SB 57 Requester: Transition Adv, Drafter: Everts, T Extend universal system benefits charge Sponsor: Johnson, R