Rules, Montana Legislature
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2011 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S10-170. Senate journal. (1) The Senate shall keep and authenticate a journal of its proceedings as required by law and the rules.
   (2) The Secretary of the Senate will supervise the preparation of the journal by the journal clerks trained by the Legislative Services Division under the direction of the President.
   (3) In addition to the proceedings required by law to be recorded, the journal must include:
   (a) committee reports;
   (b) every motion, the name of the Senator presenting it, and its disposition;
   (c) the introduction of legislation in the Senate;
   (d) consideration of legislation subsequent to introduction;
   (e) roll call votes;
   (f) messages from the Governor and the House of Representatives;
   (g) every amendment, the name of the Senator presenting it, and its disposition;
   (h) the names of Senators and their votes on any question upon a request by two Senators before a vote is taken; and
   (i) any other records the Senate directs by rule or action.
   (4) The Secretary of the Senate shall provide information that may be necessary for the preparation of the daily journal for printing by the Legislative Services Division. Upon approval by the President, the daily journal must be reproduced and made available.
   (5) Any Senator may examine the daily journal and propose corrections. Without objection by the Senate, the President may direct the correction to be made.
   (6) The President shall authenticate the original daily journal, from time to time, and the Secretary of the Senate shall, as appropriate, deliver it to the Legislative Services Division to be prepared for publication and distribution in accordance with law.

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