Rules, Montana Legislature
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2011 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-110. Rules for questions or bills requiring other than a majority vote. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a question or bill requires more than a majority vote for final passage, a majority vote is sufficient to decide any question relating to the question or bill prior to third reading.
   (2) Any vote in the Senate on a bill proposing an amendment to the Montana Constitution under circumstances in which there exists the mathematical possibility of obtaining the necessary two-thirds vote of the Legislature will cause the bill to progress as though it had received the majority vote. This rule does not prevent a committee from indefinitely postponing or tabling a bill proposing an amendment to the Montana Constitution.
   (3) If a bill has been amended in the House of Representatives and the amendments are accepted by the Senate, the bill must again be placed on third reading in the Senate to determine if the required number of votes has been cast.

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