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2013 Rules -- House

   House Rule H40-110. Consent calendar procedure. (1) Noncontroversial bills and simple and joint resolutions may be recommended for the consent calendar by a standing committee and processed according to the following provisions:
   (a) To be eligible for the consent calendar, the legislation must receive a unanimous vote by the members of the standing committee in attendance (do pass, do pass as amended). In addition, a motion must be made and passed unanimously to place the legislation on the consent calendar and this action reflected in the committee report. Appropriation or revenue bills may not be recommended for the consent calendar.
   (b) The legislation must then be sent to be processed and reproduced as a third reading version and specifically marked as a "consent calendar" item.
   (2) Other legislation may be placed on the consent calendar by agreement between the Speaker and the minority leader following a positive recommendation by a standing committee. The legislation must be sent to be processed as a second reading version but must be specifically announced and posted as a "consent calendar" item.
   (3) Legislation must be posted immediately (as soon as it is received appropriately printed) on the consent calendar and must remain there for 1 legislative day before consideration under Order of Business No. 11, special orders of the day. At that time, the presiding officer shall announce consideration of the consent calendar and allow "reasonable time" for questions and answers upon request. No debate is allowed.
   (4) If any one representative submits a written objection to the placement of legislation on the consent calendar, the legislation must be removed from the consent calendar and added to the regular second reading board.
   (5) Consent calendar legislation will be considered on Order of Business No. 8, third reading of bills, following the regular third reading agenda, as separately noted on the agenda.
   (6) Legislation on the consent calendar must be considered individually with the roll call vote spread on the journal as the final vote in the House.
   (7) Legislation passed on the consent calendar must then be transmitted to the Senate. Legislation must be appropriately printed prior to transmittal.

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