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2013 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-160. Motions in Committee of the Whole. (1) All proper motions on second reading are debatable unless specified in S50-60.
   (2) The only motions in order during Committee of the Whole are to:
   (a) recommend passage or nonpassage;
   (b) recommend concurrence or nonconcurrence (House amendments to Senate legislation);
   (c) amend;
   (d) indefinitely postpone;
   (e) pass consideration;
   (f) change the order in which legislation is placed on the agenda (nondebatable S50-60(14));
   (g) rise (nondebatable S50-60(3));
   (h) rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again (nondebatable S50-60(3)); or
   (i) rise and report (nondebatable S50-60(3)).
   (3) The motions listed in subsection (2) may be made in descending order as listed.

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