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2013 Rules -- Senate

   Senate Rule S50-90. Reconsideration -- time restrictions. (1) Subject to subsection (6), any Senator may, on the day the vote was taken or on the next day the Senate is in session, move to reconsider the question. A motion to reconsider is a debatable motion, but the debate is limited to the motion. The debate on a motion to reconsider may not address the substance of the matter for which reconsideration is sought. However, an inquiry may be made concerning the purpose of the motion to reconsider.
   (2) A motion to reconsider must be disposed of when made unless a proper substitute motion is made and adopted.
   (3) A motion to recall a bill from the House of Representatives constitutes notice to reconsider and must be acted on as a motion to reconsider. A motion to reconsider or to recall a bill from the House of Representatives may be made only under Order of Business No. 6 and, under that order of business, takes precedence over all motions except motions to recess or adjourn.
   (4) When a motion to reconsider is laid on the table, a two-thirds majority is required to take it from the table. When a motion to reconsider fails, the question is finally and conclusively settled.
   (5) If a motion to reconsider third reading action is carried, there may not be further action until the succeeding legislative day.
   (6) If the Senate has adjourned for more than 2 days, then a motion to reconsider action taken on the last day the Senate was in session is in order on the day the Senate reconvenes or on the following legislative day.

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