Rules, Montana Legislature
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2015 Rules -- House

   House Rule H40-160. Motions in the Committee of the Whole -- quorum required. (1) When the House resolves itself into a Committee of the Whole, the only motions in order are to:
(a) recommend passage or nonpassage;
(b) recommend concurrence or nonconcurrence (Senate amendments to House legislation);
(c) amend;
(d) reconsider as provided in H50-170;
(e) pass consideration;
(f) call for cloture;
(g) change the order in which legislation is placed on the agenda; and
(h) rise, rise and report, or rise and report progress and beg leave to sit again.
(2) Subsections (1)(d) through (1)(f) and (1)(h) are nondebatable but may be amended. Once a motion under subsection (1)(a) or (1)(b) is made, a contrary motion is not in order.
(3) The motions listed in subsection (1) may be made in descending order as listed.
(4) If a quorum of representatives is not present during second reading, the Committee of the Whole may not conduct business on legislation and a motion for a call of the House without a quorum is in order.

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