Amendments to house Bill No. 72

2nd Reading Copy


Requested by Matt Regier

For the (H) Committee of the Whole


Prepared by Julie Johnson

01/20/2021, 05:09:21


1. Title, line 6 through line 7.

Strike: "FROM" on line 6 through "REVENUE" on line 7



2. Title, line 8.

Strike: "23-7-402, MCA"

Insert: "44-1-504, MCA"


3. Page 3, line 8.

Strike: "amounts"                                                  

Insert: "amount"

Strike: "23-7-402(3)"

Insert: "44-1-504(3)"


5. Page 3, line 14 through page 5, line 20.

Strike: section 3 in its entirety

Insert: " Section 3. Section 44-1-504, MCA, is amended to read:

"44-1-504. Special revenue account to partially fund highway patrol officers' salaries. (1) There is an account in the state special revenue fund provided for in 17-2-102.

(2) TheExcept as provided in subsection (3), money in the account is for the department of justice to fund, pursuant to 2-18-303(5):

(a) the base salary and associated operating costs for highway patrol officer positions; and

(b) biennial salary increases for highway patrol officers.

(3) By August 15 of each fiscal year, the state treasurer shall transfer $1 million from this account to the account established in [section 2] for the highway patrol officers' retirement system pension trust fund.""