Amendments to house Bill No. 497

2nd Reading Copy


Requested by Bill Mercer

For the (H) Committee of the Whole


Prepared by Susan Fox

02/23/2021, 02:55:15


1. Title, line 8.

Following: "5-2-302,"

Strike: "5-12-205,"


2. Page 2.

Following: line 8

Insert: "(5) The long-range planning joint subcommittee may refer issues to an interim budget committee provided for in subsection (2) if it determines that program implementation and oversight on issues considered by the subcommittee during the session could be enhanced given the duties in [section 4]."


3. Page 3, line 16.

Following: "quarterly"

Insert: "and not fewer than half of each committee's meetings must be held by videoconference"


4. Page 4, line 13 through page 5, line 13.

Strike: section 7 in its entirety

Renumber: subsequent sections