Amendments to house Bill No. 695

2nd Reading Copy


Requested by Denley Loge

For the (H) Committee of the Whole


Prepared by Joe Kolman

04/05/2021, 11:24:10


1. Title, line 4 through line 5.

Following: "LAWS;" on line 4

Strike: remainder of line 4 through line 5 in their entirety


2. Title, line 6.

Following: "DISPUTES"



3. Title, line 6 through line 7.

Strike: "PROVIDING" on line 6 through "AUTHORITY;" on line 7


4. Title, line 7.

Strike: "SECTIONS 75-1-202, 75-1-203, 75-1-205, AND"

Insert: "SECTION"


5. Page 1, line 11 through page 5, line 27.

Strike: sections 1 through 3 in their entirety

Renumber: subsequent sections


6. Page 6, line 14.

Following: "5."

Insert: "The parties shall each pay a $50 fee to the department."