Amendments to house Bill No. 399

2nd Reading/2nd House Copy


Requested by Mary Ann Dunwell

For the (H) Committee of the Whole


Prepared by Megan Moore

04/21/2021, 09:04:18


1. Title, line 26 through line 27.

Strike: "15-32-201," on line 26 through "15-32-203," on line 27


2. Page 22, line 19.

Following: "15-31-127;"

Strike: "and"


3. Page 22, line 22.

Following: "(f)(d)"

Insert: "the credit for installing an alternative energy system provided for in 15-32-201 through 15-32-203; and



4. Page 96, line 12 through line 14.

Strike: line 12 through line 14 in their entirety