Amendments to senate Bill No. 444

2nd Reading/2nd House Copy


Requested by Chris Friedel

For the (S) Committee of the Whole


Prepared by Toni Henneman

03/31/2021, 01:17:15


1. Page 2, line 6 through line 12.

Strike: line 6 through "parcel;" on line 12


2. Page 2, line 13.

Strike: "(g)"

Insert: "(f)"


3. Page 2.

Following: line 17

Insert: "(3) At the request of the owner, the original certificate of subdivision approval shall be reissued for a parcel previously approved under this part if:

(a) the parcel was subsequently divided without review and approval under this part; and

(b) the unapproved parcels are aggregated to return to the original divided parcel as originally approved."