1999 Montana Legislature

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     WHEREAS, the worldwide economy necessitates the ability of states to participate in new and expanding technologies and markets; and

     WHEREAS, Montana's location, which has historically been an impediment to economic development, is now a prime factor in attracting research and development personnel; and

     WHEREAS, enhancing Montana's research and commercialization sector of the economy will support the maintenance of traditional economic sectors and traditional ways of life; and

     WHEREAS, the development of a strong research and commercialization economic component will provide educational and employment opportunities for Montana's youth.


     NEW SECTION.  Section 1.  Purpose -- definition. (1) The purpose of the special revenue account established in [section 3] and the research and commercialization trust fund established in 17-5-703 is to provide a predictable, long-term source of funding for research and commercialization projects to be conducted in Montana. The state is encouraging a diversified, technology-based economic sector. The investment in research and commercialization projects will assist in diversifying Montana's economy, provide employment opportunities for future generations, and enhance educational opportunities for Montanans.

     (2) As used in [sections 2 through 4], "research and development center" means the university of Montana-Missoula, the Montana state university-Bozeman, or a private, nonprofit laboratory or research center.

     NEW SECTION.  Section 2.  Research and commercialization trust. (1) There is within the coal severance tax trust fund a research and commercialization trust fund. The purpose of the trust fund is to establish a permanent source of funding for research and commercialization projects to be conducted at research and commercialization centers.

     (2) The research and commercialization trust fund must be invested by the board of investments. Earnings on the trust fund must be deposited in the special revenue account provided for in [section 3] for distribution pursuant to [section 3(3) and (5)].

     NEW SECTION.  Section 3.  Special revenue account -- use. (1) There is an account in the state special revenue fund. The account and the interest income and earnings on the account are statutorily appropriated, as provided in 17-7-502, to the Montana board of research and commercialization technology for the purposes provided in this section.

     (2) The establishment of the special revenue account in this section and the research and commercialization trust fund in 17-5-703 is intended to enhance the economic growth opportunities for Montana and constitute a public purpose.

     (3) The special revenue account may be used only for loans or matching funds for grants, from nonstate sources, that are to be used for research and commercialization projects to be conducted at research and commercialization centers located in Montana. An amount allocated for matching funds must be matched by at least a 1-to-1 ratio.

     (4) The board shall establish policies, procedures, and criteria for the awarding of grants and loans. The criteria must include:

     (a) the project's potential to diversify or add value to a basic industry of the state's economy;

     (b) whether the project shows promise for enhancing technology-based sectors of Montana's economy or promise for commercial development of discoveries;

     (c) whether the project employs or otherwise takes advantage of existing research and development strengths within the state's public university and private research establishments;

     (d) whether the project involves a realistic and achievable research project design;

     (e) whether the project develops or employs an innovative technology;

     (f) verification that the project activity is located within the state;

     (g) whether the project's research team possesses sufficient expertise in the appropriate technology area to complete the research objectives of the project; and

     (h) verification that the project was awarded based on its scientific merit, following review by a recognized federal agency or philanthropic foundation.

     (5) The board shall direct the state treasurer to distribute funds for approved projects. Unallocated interest and earnings from the special revenue account must be retained in the account. Repayments of loans must be deposited in the account.

     NEW SECTION.  Section 4.  Account for research and commercialization revenue bond debt service. (1) There is in the debt service fund an account for research and commercialization revenue bond debt service.

     (2) The Montana board of research and commercialization technology shall transfer each year to the account for debt service from the special revenue account provided for in [section 3] the amount necessary for debt service for research and commercialization projects authorized by the board and funded by revenue bonds.

     (3) No more than the principal and interest on the bonds due in any year may be transferred to the account for debt service for the payment of bonds. The money pledged and appropriated for the payment of bonds is a first lien and prior charge upon the funds, and the funds must be used for payment of the bonds.

     NEW SECTION.  Section 5.  Montana board of research and commercialization technology -- composition -- allocation -- quasi-judicial nature. (1) There is a Montana board of research and commercialization technology. The board is allocated to the department of commerce. The department shall select, prescribe the duties for, and supervise staff to administer board activities.

     (2) The board consists of eight members appointed by the governor as prescribed in 2-15-124.

     (3) In making appointments to the board, the governor shall consider people with extensive interest and experience in research and commercialization technology and the application of the interest and experience to economic development in Montana.

     (4) The membership of the board must include:

     (a) at least two members who are scientists with active research programs under their management;

     (b) at least one member with expertise in applied technology development; and

     (c) at least five members from the private sector who are representative of the following:

     (i) mineral extraction and processing;

     (ii) forestry and wood processing;

     (iii) agriculture;

     (iv) energy resources;

     (v) biotechnology;

     (vi) communications and manufacturing processes;

     (vii) investment and financial services; or

     (viii) environmental engineering.

     (5) The board is designated a quasi-judicial board for purposes of 2-15-124.

     Section 6.  Section 2-18-103, MCA, is amended to read:

     "2-18-103.  (Temporary) Officers and employees excepted. Parts 1 through 3 and 10 do not apply to the following officers and employees in state government:

     (1)  elected officials;

     (2)  county assessors and their chief deputies;

     (3)  employees of the office of consumer counsel;

     (4)  judges and employees of the judicial branch;

     (5)  members of boards and commissions appointed by the governor, the legislature, or other elected state officials;

     (6)  officers or members of the militia;

     (7)  agency heads appointed by the governor;

     (8)  academic and professional administrative personnel with individual contracts under the authority of the board of regents of higher education;

     (9)  academic and professional administrative personnel and live-in houseparents who have entered into individual contracts with the state school for the deaf and blind under the authority of the state board of public education;

     (10) investment officer, assistant investment officer, executive director, and three professional staff positions of the board of investments;

     (11) four professional staff positions under the board of oil and gas conservation;

     (12) assistant director for security of the Montana state lottery;

     (13) executive director and senior investment officer of the Montana board of science and technology development;

     (14) executive director and employees of the state compensation insurance fund;

     (15) state racing stewards employed by the executive secretary of the Montana board of horseracing;

     (16) executive director of the Montana wheat and barley committee;

     (17) commissioner of banking and financial institutions;

     (18) training coordinator for county attorneys;

     (19) employees of an entity of the legislative branch consolidated, as provided in 5-2-504.

     2-18-103.  (Effective July 1, 1999) Officers and employees excepted. Parts 1 through 3 and 10 do not apply to the following officers and employees in state government:

     (1)  elected officials;

     (2)  county assessors and their chief deputies;

     (3)  employees of the office of consumer counsel;

     (4)  judges and employees of the judicial branch;

     (5)  members of boards and commissions appointed by the governor, the legislature, or other elected state officials;

     (6)  officers or members of the militia;

     (7)  agency heads appointed by the governor;

     (8)  academic and professional administrative personnel with individual contracts under the authority of the board of regents of higher education;

     (9)  academic and professional administrative personnel and live-in houseparents who have entered into individual contracts with the state school for the deaf and blind under the authority of the state board of public education;

     (10) investment officer, assistant investment officer, executive director, and five professional staff positions of the board of investments;

     (11) four professional staff positions under the board of oil and gas conservation;

     (12) assistant director for security of the Montana state lottery;

     (13) executive director and employees of the state compensation insurance fund;

     (14) state racing stewards employed by the executive secretary of the Montana board of horseracing;

     (15) executive director of the Montana wheat and barley committee;

     (16) commissioner of banking and financial institutions;

     (17) training coordinator for county attorneys;

     (18) employees of an entity of the legislative branch consolidated, as provided in 5-2-504;

     (19) executive director and senior investment officer of the Montana board of research and commercialization technology."

     Section 7.  Section 17-5-702, MCA, is amended to read:

     "17-5-702.  Purpose and intent. (1) The purpose of the coal severance tax trust fund bond provisions of this part is to establish the authority to issue and sell coal severance tax bonds that have been approved by act of the legislature for financing specific renewable resource projects in the state authorized by the legislature and to guarantee redemption of the bonds by revenue derived from the receipts from the coal severance tax imposed by Title 15, chapter 35, part 1, and such other money as that the legislature may from time to time determine, including money from the treasure state endowment special revenue account.

     (2)  The legislature intends that projects to be financed by coal severance tax bonds include renewable resource projects as part of the program established in Title 85, chapter 1, part 6, and infrastructure projects as provided in 90-6-701. The legislature further intends that the income from renewable resource projects in excess of the amount required for debt service and operation and maintenance of those projects and activities be deposited in the renewable resource grant and loan program state special revenue account established in 85-1-604."

     Section 8.  Section 17-5-703, MCA, is amended to read:

     "17-5-703.  Coal severance tax trust funds. (1) The trust established under Article IX, section 5, of the Montana constitution is composed of the following funds:

     (a)  a coal severance tax bond fund into which the constitutionally dedicated receipts from the coal severance tax must be deposited;

     (b)  a treasure state endowment fund;

     (c)  a coal severance tax permanent fund;

     (d)  a coal severance tax income fund; and

     (e)  a coal severance tax school bond contingency loan fund; and

     (f) a research and commercialization trust fund.

     (2)  (a) The state treasurer shall determine, on July 1 of each year, the amount necessary to meet all principal and interest payments on bonds payable from the coal severance tax bond fund during the next 12 months and retain that amount in the coal severance tax bond fund.

     (b)  The amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount required in subsection (2)(a) must be transferred from that fund as provided in subsections (3) through (5) (6).

     (3)  (a) On January 21, 1992, and continuing as As long as any school district bonds secured by state loans under 20-9-466 are outstanding, the state treasurer shall from time to time and as provided in subsection (3)(b) transfer from the coal severance tax bond fund to the coal severance tax school bond contingency loan fund any amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount that is specified in subsection (2) to be retained in the fund.

     (b)  The state treasurer shall transfer the amount referred to in subsection (3)(a) until and unless the balance in the coal severance tax school bond contingency loan fund is equal to the amount due as principal of and interest on the school district bonds secured by state loans under 20-9-466 during the next following 12 months.

     (4)  (a) Beginning July 1, 1993, and ending June 30, 2013, the state treasurer shall quarterly transfer to the treasure state endowment fund 50% of the amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount that is specified in subsection (2) to be retained in the fund and in excess of amounts that are transferred pursuant to subsection (3). Beginning July 1, 2001, and ending June 30, 2009, the state treasurer shall quarterly transfer to the treasure state endowment fund 75% of the amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount that is specified in subsection (2) to be retained in the fund and in excess of amounts that are transferred pursuant to subsection (3). Beginning July 1, 2009, and ending June 30, 2015, the state treasurer shall quarterly transfer to the treasure state endowment fund the amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount that is specified in subsection (2) to be retained in the fund and in excess of amounts that are transferred pursuant to subsection (3).

     (b)  The state treasurer shall monthly transfer from the treasure state endowment fund to the treasure state endowment special revenue account the amount of earnings required to meet the obligations of the state that are payable from the account in accordance with 90-6-710. Earnings not transferred to the treasure state endowment special revenue account must be retained in the treasure state endowment fund.

     (5) (a) Beginning July 1, 1999, and ending June 30, 2001, the state treasurer shall quarterly transfer to the research and commercialization trust fund 50% of the amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount that is specified in subsection (2) to be retained in the fund and in excess of amounts that are transferred pursuant to subsections (3) and (4). Beginning July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2015, the state treasurer shall quarterly transfer to the research and commercialization trust fund 25% of the amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount that is specified in subsection (2) to be retained in the fund and in excess of amounts that are transferred pursuant to subsections (3) and (4).

     (b) The state treasurer shall monthly transfer from the research and commercialization trust fund to the special revenue account provided for in [section 3] the earnings on the fund necessary for funding approved projects or bond payments. Earnings not transferred to the special revenue account must be retained in the research and commercialization trust fund.

     (5)(6)  Any amount in the coal severance tax bond fund in excess of the amount that is specified in subsection (2)(a) to be retained in the fund and that is not otherwise allocated under this section must be deposited in the coal severance tax permanent fund."

     Section 9.  Section 17-6-305, MCA, is amended to read:

     "17-6-305.  (Temporary) Investment of up to twenty-five percent of coal tax trust fund in Montana economy -- report by board. (1) Subject to the provisions of 17-6-201(1), the board shall endeavor to invest up to 25% of the permanent coal tax trust fund established in 17-6-203(6) in the Montana economy, with special emphasis on investments in new or expanding locally owned enterprises. Investments made pursuant to this section do not include investments made pursuant to 17-6-309(2). For purposes of calculating the 25% of the permanent coal tax trust fund, the board shall include all funds listed in 17-5-703(1). The portion of the permanent coal tax trust fund administered by the Montana board of science and technology development pursuant to 17-6-308(3) may not be included in the 25% of the trust fund allocated to the board for in-state investment under this section.

     (2)  In determining the probable income to be derived from investment of this revenue, the long-term benefit to the Montana economy must be considered.

     (3)  The legislature may provide additional procedures to implement this section.

     (4)  The board shall include a report on the investments made under this section as a part of the information required by 17-7-111.

     17-6-305.  (Effective July 1, 1999) Investment of up to twenty-five percent of coal tax trust fund in Montana economy -- report by board. (1) Subject to the provisions of 17-6-201(1), the board shall endeavor to invest up to 25% of the permanent coal tax trust fund established in 17-6-203(6) in the Montana economy, with special emphasis on investments in new or expanding locally owned enterprises. Investments made pursuant to this section do not include investments made pursuant to 17-6-309(2). For purposes of calculating the 25% of the permanent coal tax trust fund, the board shall include all funds listed in 17-5-703(1). The portion of the permanent coal tax trust fund contained in portfolios formerly administered by the Montana board of science and technology development and administered by the department pursuant to part 5 of this chapter is included in the 25% of the trust fund allocated to the board for in-state investment under this section. The portion of the permanent coal tax trust fund administered by the Montana board of research and commercialization technology pursuant to 17-6-308(3) may not be included in the 25% of the trust fund allocated to the board for in-state investment under this section.

     (2)  In determining the probable income to be derived from investment of this revenue, the long-term benefit to the Montana economy must be considered.

     (3)  The legislature may provide additional procedures to implement this section.

     (4)  The board shall include a report on the investments made under this section as a part of the information required by 17-7-111."

     Section 10.  Section 17-6-308, MCA, is amended to read:

     "17-6-308.  (Temporary) Authorized investments. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) and subject to the provisions of 17-6-201, the Montana permanent coal tax trust fund must be invested as authorized by rules adopted by the board.

     (2)  The board may make loans from the permanent coal tax trust fund to the capital reserve account created pursuant to 17-5-1515 to establish balances or restore deficiencies in the account. The board may agree in connection with the issuance of bonds or notes secured by the account or fund to make the loans. Loans must be on terms and conditions determined by the board and must be repaid from revenue realized from the exercise of the board's powers under 17-5-1501 through 17-5-1518 and 17-5-1521 through 17-5-1529, subject to the prior pledge of the revenue to the bonds and notes.

     (3)  The board shall allow the Montana board of science and technology development, provided for in 2-15-1818, to administer $12.5 million of the permanent coal tax trust fund for seed capital project loans or mezzanine financing loans and $11.1 million of the permanent coal tax trust fund for research and development project matching funds for projects at Montana public universities. The board may grant up to $2 million of interest and income from investments to research and development projects at Montana public universities. The research and development projects may include grant matching fund purposes. This authority does not extend beyond June 30, 1999, for seed capital project loans and beyond June 30, 1999, for research and development projects. Except for $915,000, all uncommitted seed capital funds must revert to the coal severance tax permanent fund. The department may use up to $75,000 each year of the seed capital funds for administrative purposes. The board of science and technology development, with the concurrence of the director of the department, may extend an additional loan to an existing seed capital portfolio company by up to $700,000. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the department shall transfer $250,000 of interest and earnings to the Montana supreme court to be used to fund the judges' retirement system. Until the Montana board of science and technology development makes a loan pursuant to the provisions of Title 90, chapter 3, the funds under its administration must be invested by the board pursuant to the provisions of 17-6-201. As seed capital and mezzanine financing loans made pursuant to this subsection are repaid, the proceeds of the seed capital portion of the Montana board of science and technology development loans must be deposited in the coal severance tax permanent fund until all loans have been repaid plus the amount of 7% simple interest for the years that the loans have been outstanding. The board shall calculate the amount of the interest charge. The board may use up to $25,000 of the repayments for administrative costs in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1997.

     (4)  The board shall adopt rules to allow a nonprofit corporation to apply for economic assistance. The rules must recognize that different criteria may be needed for nonprofit corporations than for for-profit corporations.

     (5)  Beginning July 1, 1999, all repayments proceeds in excess of $4.395 million must be deposited in the coal severance tax permanent fund. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the department shall transfer $250,000 from the interest and earnings from job investment loans to the Montana supreme court to be used to fund the judges' retirement system.

     17-6-308.  (Effective July 1, 1999) Authorized investments. (1) Except as provided in subsections (2) and (3) and subject to the provisions of 17-6-201, the Montana permanent coal tax trust fund must be invested as authorized by rules adopted by the board.

     (2)  The board may make loans from the permanent coal tax trust fund to the capital reserve account created pursuant to 17-5-1515 to establish balances or restore deficiencies in the account. The board may agree in connection with the issuance of bonds or notes secured by the account or fund to make the loans. Loans must be on terms and conditions determined by the board and must be repaid from revenue realized from the exercise of the board's powers under 17-5-1501 through 17-5-1518 and 17-5-1521 through 17-5-1529, subject to the prior pledge of the revenue to the bonds and notes.

     (3)  The department shall manage the seed capital and research and development loan portfolios created by the former Montana board of science and technology development. The department shall establish an appropriate repayment schedule for all outstanding research and development loans made to the university system. The department shall report the schedule to the 56th legislature. The department shall develop a business investment strategy for investing in Montana business and shall present the proposal to the 56th legislature. The department is the successor in interest to all agreements, contracts, loans, notes, or other instruments entered into by the Montana board of science and technology development as part of the seed capital and research and development loan portfolios. Until the department makes a loan pursuant to the provisions of part 5 of this chapter, the $915,000 in funds under its administration must be invested by the board pursuant to the provisions of 17-6-201. As loans made pursuant to part 5 of this chapter are repaid, the department may reinvest the principal in new loans pursuant to part 5 of this chapter. The board shall allow the Montana board of research and commercialization technology, provided for in [section 5], to administer the research and commercialization trust fund for the purpose of creating funding for research and commercialization projects.

     (4)  The board shall adopt rules to allow a nonprofit corporation to apply for economic assistance. The rules must recognize that different criteria may be needed for nonprofit corporations than for for-profit corporations.

     (5)  Beginning July 1, 1999, all repayments proceeds in excess of $4.395 million must be deposited in the coal severance tax permanent fund. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the department shall transfer $250,000 from the interest and earnings from job investment loans to the Montana supreme court to be used to fund the judges' retirement system."

     Section 11.  Section 17-7-502, MCA, is amended to read:

     "17-7-502.  (Temporary) Statutory appropriations -- definition -- requisites for validity. (1) A statutory appropriation is an appropriation made by permanent law that authorizes spending by a state agency without the need for a biennial legislative appropriation or budget amendment.

     (2)  Except as provided in subsection (4), to be effective, a statutory appropriation must comply with both of the following provisions:

     (a)  The law containing the statutory authority must be listed in subsection (3).

     (b)  The law or portion of the law making a statutory appropriation must specifically state that a statutory appropriation is made as provided in this section.

     (3)  The following laws are the only laws containing statutory appropriations: 2-17-105; 3-5-901; 5-13-403; 10-3-203; 10-3-310; 10-3-312; 10-3-314; 10-4-301; 15-1-111; 15-23-706; 15-30-195; 15-31-702; 15-36-324; 15-36-325; 15-37-117; 15-38-202; 15-65-121; 15-70-101; 16-1-404; 16-1-406; 16-1-411; 16-11-308; 17-3-106; 17-3-212; 17-3-222; 17-6-101; 17-7-304; 18-11-112; 19-3-319; 19-6-709; 19-9-702; 19-13-604; 19-17-301; 19-18-512; 19-19-305; 19-19-506; 20-8-107; 20-8-111; 20-26-1503; 22-3-1004; 23-5-136; 23-5-306; 23-5-409; 23-5-610; 23-5-612; 23-5-631; 23-7-301; 23-7-402; 37-43-204; 37-51-501; 39-71-503; 39-71-907; 39-71-2321; 42-2-105; 44-12-206; 44-13-102; 50-4-623; 53-6-703; 53-24-206; 67-3-205; 75-1-1101; 75-5-1108; 75-6-214; 75-11-313; 77-1-131; 80-2-103; 80-2-222; 80-4-416; 81-5-111; 82-11-161; 85-20-402; 87-1-513; 90-3-301; [section 3]; 90-4-215; 90-6-331; and 90-9-306.

     (4)  There is a statutory appropriation to pay the principal, interest, premiums, and costs of issuing, paying, and securing all bonds, notes, or other obligations, as due, that have been authorized and issued pursuant to the laws of Montana. Agencies that have entered into agreements authorized by the laws of Montana to pay the state treasurer, for deposit in accordance with 17-2-101 through 17-2-107, as determined by the state treasurer, an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest as due on the bonds or notes have statutory appropriation authority for the payments. (In subsection (3): pursuant to sec. 7, Ch. 567, L. 1991, the inclusion of 19-6-709 terminates upon death of last recipient eligible for supplemental benefit; pursuant to sec. 7(2), Ch. 29, L. 1995, the inclusion of 15-30-195 terminates July 1, 2001; pursuant to sec. 5, Ch. 461, L. 1997, the inclusion of 77-1-131 terminates October 1, 2003; and pursuant to secs. 13, 16(1), Ch. 549, L. 1997, the inclusion of 90-3-301 terminates July 1, 1999.)

     17-7-502.  (Effective July 1, 2008) Statutory appropriations -- definition -- requisites for validity. (1) A statutory appropriation is an appropriation made by permanent law that authorizes spending by a state agency without the need for a biennial legislative appropriation or budget amendment.

     (2)  Except as provided in subsection (4), to be effective, a statutory appropriation must comply with both of the following provisions:

     (a)  The law containing the statutory authority must be listed in subsection (3).

     (b)  The law or portion of the law making a statutory appropriation must specifically state that a statutory appropriation is made as provided in this section.

     (3)  The following laws are the only laws containing statutory appropriations: 2-17-105; 3-5-901; 5-13-403; 10-3-203; 10-3-310; 10-3-312; 10-3-314; 10-4-301; 15-23-706; 15-30-195; 15-31-702; 15-36-324; 15-36-325; 15-37-117; 15-38-202; 15-65-121; 15-70-101; 16-1-404; [16-1-406;] 16-1-411; 16-11-308; 17-3-106; 17-3-212; 17-3-222; 17-5-404; 17-5-804; 17-6-101; 17-7-304; 18-11-112; 19-3-319; 19-6-709; 19-9-702; 19-13-604; 19-17-301; 19-18-512; 19-19-205; 19-19-305; 19-19-506; 20-8-107; 20-9-361; 20-26-1503; 22-3-1004; 23-5-136; 23-5-306; 23-5-409; 23-5-610; 23-5-612; 23-5-631; 23-7-301; 23-7-402; 32-1-537; 37-43-204; 37-51-501; 39-71-503; 39-71-907; 39-71-2321; 42-2-105; 44-12-206; 44-13-102; 50-4-623; 50-5-232; 50-40-206; 53-6-150; 53-6-703; 53-24-206; 60-2-220; 67-3-205; 75-1-1101; 75-5-1108; 75-6-214; 75-5-1108; 75-6-214; 75-11-313; 77-1-505; 80-2-103; 80-2-222; 80-4-416; 81-5-111; 82-11-136; 82-11-161; 85-1-220; 85-20-402; 87-1-513; [section 3]; 90-4-215; 90-6-331; 90-7-220; 90-7-221; and 90-9-306.

     (4)  There is a statutory appropriation to pay the principal, interest, premiums, and costs of issuing, paying, and securing all bonds, notes, or other obligations, as due, that have been authorized and issued pursuant to the laws of Montana. Agencies that have entered into agreements authorized by the laws of Montana to pay the state treasurer, for deposit in accordance with 17-2-101 through 17-2-107, as determined by the state treasurer, an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest as due on the bonds or notes have statutory appropriation authority for the payments. (In subsection (3): pursuant to sec. 7, Ch. 567, L. 1991, the inclusion of 19-6-709 terminates upon death of last recipient eligible for supplemental benefit; and pursuant to sec. 68(2), Ch. 422, L. 1997, this version becomes effective July 1, 2008.)"

     NEW SECTION.  Section 12.  Codification instruction. [Sections 1 through 5] are intended to be codified as an integral part of Title 90, chapter 3, and the provisions of Title 90, chapter 3, apply to [sections 1 through 5].

     NEW SECTION.  Section 13.  Effective date. [This act] is effective July 1, 1999.

- END -

Latest Version of HB 184 (HB0184.01)
Processed for the Web on December 24, 1998 (11:48AM)

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