Montana Code Annotated 1995

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     33-22-812. Policy forms to be approved -- procedure -- disapproval. (1) The forms of the policies, applications, certificates or other evidence of insurance coverage, and applicable premium rates relating thereto shall be filed with the commissioner. No such policy, contract, certificate or other evidence of insurance, application, or other form shall be sold, issued, or used and no endorsement shall be attached to or printed or stamped thereon unless the form thereof shall have been approved by the commissioner.
     (2) The commissioner shall disapprove the forms for such insurance if he finds that they are unjust, unfair, inequitable, misleading, or deceptive or that the rates are by reasonable assumptions excessive in relation to the benefits provided.
     (3) In determining whether such rates by reasonable assumptions are excessive in relation to the benefits provided, the commissioner shall give due consideration to past and prospective claim experience, within and outside this state, and to fluctuations in such claim experience, to a reasonable risk charge, to contribution to surplus and contingency funds, to past and prospective expenses, both within and outside this state, and to all other relevant factors within and outside this state, including any differing operating methods of the insurers joining in the issue of the policy.
     (4) In exercising the powers conferred upon him by this part, the commissioner shall not be bound by any other requirement of this code with respect to standard provisions to be included in disability policies or forms.
     (5) The commissioner may, after hearing upon written notice, withdraw an approval previously given, upon such grounds as in his opinion would authorize disapproval upon original submission thereof. Any such withdrawal of approval after hearing shall be by notice in writing specifying the ground thereof and shall be effective at the expiration of such period, not less than 90 days after the giving of notice of withdrawal, as the commissioner shall in such notice prescribe.

     History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 61, L. 1965; R.C.M. 1947, 40-5406(part); amd. Sec. 24, Ch. 303, L. 1981.

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