Montana Code Annotated 1995

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     39-51-1302. Summary or jeopardy assessment of unpaid taxes. (1) If any employer fails to file a report or return as required under this chapter or the regulations of the department adopted thereunder within the time specified or if the employer's records are inaccurate or are incomplete when an employer has already filed a quarterly wage report for the period in question, the department may make a summary or jeopardy assessment of the amount due by making up such report and determining the amount of taxes due and owing to the fund upon the basis of such information as the department may be able to obtain, and thereupon the same shall be collected the same as other reports and taxes due, with penalty and interest as provided in this chapter.
     (2) Upon making such summary or jeopardy assessment, the department shall immediately notify the employer in writing by personal service or by certified mail in the usual course at the last known principal place of business operated by the employer. Such assessment shall be final unless the employer shall protest such assessment in writing within 15 days after service of the notice or, within the same period of time, the employer shall file a correct, signed, and sworn report and statement as provided by the chapter and the regulations of the department.
     (3) Upon written protest being filed as above set forth, a day certain for the hearing thereof shall be fixed by the department and notice thereof mailed to the employer. At such hearing, the facts ascertained by the department shall be conclusive and the department may upon the basis of such facts ascertained assess the amount due, modify, set aside, or revise the prior assessment and require the employer to pay the amount due with penalty and interest as provided for in this chapter. A copy of the decision of the department and the assessment of the amount due shall be mailed to the employer at his last known principal place of business and thereupon become final.

     History: En. as Subd. (f) of Sec. 14, Ch. 137, L. 1937 by Sec. 3, Ch. 233, L. 1943; amd. Sec. 28, Ch. 368, L. 1975; R.C.M. 1947, 87-140; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 349, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 13, Ch. 373, L. 1991.

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