House Bill No. 467

Introduced By _______________________________________________________________________________

A Bill for an Act entitled: "An Act appropriating money to the department of public health and human services for the provision of in-home services to older montanans as provided for under the Montana older americans act; and providing an effective date."

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Montana:

NEW SECTION. Section 1.  Appropriation -- purpose. (1) The following amounts are appropriated from the general fund to the department of public health and human services for the purposes provided in subsection (2):

Fiscal year 1998 $375,000

Fiscal year 1999 375,000

(2)  The money in subsection (1) is appropriated to provide in-home services to older Montanans to allow them to live an independent lifestyle and avoid institutional care. The services must include home-delivered meals, homemaker services, adult day care, respite care, personal care,

transportation, and other services authorized by 52-3-504.

NEW SECTION. Section 2.  Effective date. [This act] is effective July 1, 1997.