Montana Code Annotated 1999

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     61-3-106. Report of stolen and recovered motor vehicles -- accessibility -- insurance fraud and theft reporting -- immunity. (1) It shall be the duty of the sheriff of every county of the state and of the chief of police or commissioner of police of every city to make an immediate entry regarding each vehicle theft or recovery into the state automated stolen vehicle file maintained by the law enforcement network system (LENS). Failure on the part of any officer shall be considered to be misfeasance in office and shall constitute grounds for removal. Upon entry of such information, LENS and the national crime information center must be allowed immediate access to the state automated stolen vehicle file. It shall also be the duty of LENS to file reports of stolen and recovered motor vehicles reported to it from other states.
     (2) The state automated stolen vehicle file must be made available to the secretary of state or other proper official in each state of the United States through access to the national crime information center. Before issuing a certificate of ownership, the department shall check the vehicle identification number on the motor vehicle to be registered against the state automated stolen vehicle file.
     (3) Upon written request to an insurer by an authorized governmental agency or upon an insurer's own initiative to notify a specific lienholder, an insurer or an agent authorized by an insurer to act on its behalf shall release to the requesting agency or lienholder relevant information in the insurer's possession relating to any specific motor vehicle theft or motor vehicle insurance fraud.
     (4) (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, information furnished pursuant to this section is privileged and may not become part of a public record. The evidence or information is not subject to a subpoena duces tecum in a civil or criminal proceeding unless the court determines after reasonable notice to the parties listed in subsection (4)(b) and a hearing that the public interest and any ongoing investigation by the parties listed in subsection (4)(b) will not be jeopardized by compliance with the subpoena duces tecum.
     (b) The notice required by subsection (4)(a) must be sent to an insurer, an agent authorized by an insurer to act on its behalf, an authorized governmental agency that has an interest in the information, and a specific lienholder.
     (5) An authorized governmental agency provided with information pursuant to this section may release or provide the information to any other authorized governmental agency.
     (6) An insurer, an agent authorized by an insurer to act on its behalf, or an employee of an insurer or agent is not subject to civil or criminal liability in any cause of action for releasing or receiving information under this section.
     (7) As used in this section, the following definitions apply:
     (a) "Authorized governmental agency" means any duly constituted criminal investigative department or agency of the United States; the state department of justice; the state auditor's office; a peace officer of the state or a political subdivision of the state; or a prosecuting attorney of any state, of any political subdivision of any state, or of the United States or any district of the United States.
     (b) "Relevant information" includes but is not limited to:
     (i) insurance policy information related to any motor vehicle theft or motor vehicle insurance fraud under investigation, including an application for a policy;
     (ii) available policy premium payment records;
     (iii) the history of previous claims made by the insured; and
     (iv) information relating to the investigation of any motor vehicle theft or motor vehicle insurance fraud, including statements of any person, proof of loss and notice of loss, and any information that an insurer knows or reasonably believes reveals or may reveal the identity of a person who it has reason to believe committed a criminal or fraudulent act relating to a motor vehicle theft or motor vehicle insurance claim or has knowledge of an act that has not been reported to an authorized governmental agency.
     (c) "Specific lienholder" means a person or firm that holds a security interest in a motor vehicle involved in a specific motor vehicle theft or motor vehicle insurance fraud.

     History: En. Sec. 13, Ch. 113, L. 1925; re-en. Sec. 1763.5, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 53-137; amd. Sec. 28, Ch. 421, L. 1979; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 233, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 503, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 272, L. 1991.

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