Montana Code Annotated 1999

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     61-3-465. Issuance -- application -- additional fee -- disposition. (1) The department shall issue or renew collegiate license plates upon receipt of an application that shows:
     (a) compliance with 61-3-303, 61-3-311, and 61-3-312; and
     (b) payment to the county treasurer of:
     (i) an initial application and manufacturing fee of $2.50, when required; and
     (ii) an annual scholarship donation of $20 for the benefit of the institution named in the application.
     (2) Once each month the county treasurer shall transfer to the state treasurer the total of the amounts collected for:
     (a) the initial application and manufacturing fee for deposit in the Montana state prison industries account in the proprietary fund for appropriation by the legislature to pay the cost of manufacturing collegiate license plates; and
     (b) scholarship donations provided for in subsection (1)(b)(ii), along with a schedule showing the number of collegiate license plates issued and the total donations received for the benefit of each institution.
     (3) Once each month the state treasurer shall distribute to the student academic scholarship fund or foundation of each institution an amount equal to the total donations credited to that institution and transferred to the state treasurer by the county treasurers during the preceding month.

     History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 661, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 10, Ch. 724, L. 1991.

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