Montana Code Annotated 1999

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     77-3-442. Disposition of property of lessee upon termination of lease. (1) Upon the termination for any cause of a lease issued under this part, the former lessee has 6 months after the date of the termination to remove from the premises all machinery, fixtures, improvements, buildings, and equipment belonging to the lessee, except for casing in the wells and other equipment or apparatus necessary for the preservation of any oil or gas well or wells. As to the casing, equipment, and apparatus, any succeeding lessee or, in the event there is no succeeding lessee, the state wishing to have the property left upon the premises shall pay a reasonable value for the property to the former lessee.
     (2) If the succeeding lessee or the board is unable to agree with the former lessee upon the reasonable cash value of the casing, equipment, and apparatus, the succeeding lessee or, if there is no succeeding lessee, the state shall pay in cash to the former lessee a sum fixed as a reasonable price by a board of three appraisers, one of whom must be chosen by the successful bidder, one by the former lessee, and the third by the two appraisers chosen. If a person refuses to appoint an appraiser within 15 days of a request to do so by the department, the department may appoint an appraiser for that person. The appraisal must be reported to the respective parties in writing and is final and conclusive.
     (3) Unless the department gives written authorization, the former lessee may not remain in possession or manage the land and property formerly covered by the lease. During the time the former lessee remains in authorized possession, the lessee may retain the same share of the products of the premises as inured to the lessee during the term of the lease. If the state or other bidder does not desire any of the lessee's property as provided in this section, the lessee shall properly plug all wells and remove all of the lessee's property from the premises.

     History: En. Sec. 17, Ch. 108, L. 1927; re-en. Sec. 1882.17, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 91, Ch. 428, L. 1973; R.C.M. 1947, 81-1717; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 34, L. 1997.

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