Montana Code Annotated 2003

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     33-6-102. Definitions. (1) (a) Any corporation, association, or society, or by whatever name called, which issues any certificate, policy, membership agreement, or makes any promise or agreement with its members whereby, upon decease of a member, any money or other benefit, charity, aid, or relief is to be paid, provided, or rendered by such corporation, association, or society to his legal representatives or to the beneficiary designated by him, which money, benefit, charity, aid, or relief is derived from voluntary donations or from admission fees, dues, or assessments or any of them collected or to be collected from the members thereof or members of a class therein or interest or accretions thereon or accumulations thereof; and wherein the money or other benefit, charity, aid, or relief so realized is applied to or accumulated for the uses and purposes herein specified and/or the uses of such corporation, association, or society and/or the expenses of management and prosecution of its business, shall be deemed to be a "benevolent association" for the purposes of this chapter.
     (b) The definition of benevolent association in subsection (1)(a) above is not applicable to:
     (i) burial or death benefits, annuities, endowments, or any other benefit payments of any legal reserve life or disability insurer or of any labor union, railroad brotherhood, or lodge having as a primary business the improvement of working conditions;
     (ii) any auxiliaries to any labor union, railroad brotherhood, or lodge referred to in subsection (1)(b)(i); or
     (iii) the benevolent plans within fraternal orders if limited to members and if the plan is not the principal object for the formation or continuance of the fraternal order.
     (2) A "member" or "member in good standing" is an individual who must contribute to a benevolent association upon notice of assessment.
     (3) (a) "Membership contract" is any certificate, policy, membership agreement, by whatever name called, or any promise or agreement of a benevolent association with any or all of its members, whereby any money or other benefit, charity, aid, or relief is to be paid, provided, or rendered by such association upon the decease of a member to his legal representatives or to the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by him.
     (b) There shall be one contributing member for each membership contract, but a membership contract may cover more than one individual.
     (4) "Officer" is any of the individuals having supervision and control of a benevolent association and engaging in the management and the prosecution of the business thereof, whether designated as officers, trustees, comptrollers, managers, or by whatever name called.

     History: (1)En. Sec. 522, Ch. 286, L. 1959; amd. Sec. 20, Ch. 535, L. 1975; Sec. 40-4902, R.C.M. 1947; (2) thru (4)En. Secs. 523, 524, 525, Ch. 286, L. 1959; Secs. 40-4903, 40-4904, 40-4905, R.C.M. 1947; R.C.M. 1947, 40-4902, 40-4903, 40-4904, 40-4905.

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