Montana Code Annotated 2003

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     75-10-921. Filing fee -- accountability -- refund -- use. (1) (a) The applicant shall pay to the department a filing fee as provided in this section based upon the department's estimated costs of processing the application for a certificate. The filing fee must be deposited in the solid waste management account for the use of the department in administering 75-10-901 through 75-10-945. The initial filing fee may not exceed the following scale based upon the megalandfill's projected annual tonnage of waste:
     (i) a base fee of $40,000; plus
     (ii) 20 cents per ton for every ton of waste over 200,000 tons for a new or existing megalandfill or facility not subject to 75-10-903(6)(b); or
     (iii) 20 cents per ton of waste over 300,000 tons for an existing megalandfill or facility pursuant to 75-10-903(6)(b).
     (b) The department may allow a credit against the fee payable under this section for the applicant's costs of developing information or providing services required under 75-10-901 through 75-10-945 or required for preparation of an environmental impact statement under the Montana Environmental Policy Act, Title 75, chapter 1, part 1, or the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321, et seq. The applicant may submit the information or a description of the services performed to the department, together with an accounting of the expenses incurred in preparing the information or performing the services. The department shall evaluate the applicability, validity, and usefulness of the data or services and determine the expenses that may be credited against the filing fee payable under this section. Upon 30 days' notice to the applicant, this credit may at any time be reduced if the department determines that the amount to be credited is necessary to carry out its responsibilities under 75-10-901 through 75-10-945.
     (2) (a) The department may contract with an applicant after the filing of a formal application for the development of information or the provision of services required under 75-10-901 through 75-10-945. The contract may continue an agreement entered into pursuant to 75-10-908. Payments made to the department under a contract must be credited against the fee payable under this section. The revenue derived from the filing fee must be sufficient to enable the department and the board to carry out their responsibilities under 75-10-901 through 75-10-945. The department may amend a contract to require additional payments for necessary expenses up to the limits set forth in subsection (1)(a) upon 30 days' notice to the applicant. The department and applicant may enter into a contract that exceeds the scale provided in subsection (1)(a).
     (b) If a contract is not entered into, the applicant shall pay the filing fee in installments in accordance with a schedule of installments developed by the department; however, an installment may not exceed 20% of the total filing fee provided for in subsection (1).
     (3) The applicant is entitled to an accounting of money spent and to a refund with interest at the rate of 6% a year of the portion of the filing fee not spent by the department in carrying out its responsibilities under 75-10-901 through 75-10-945. A refund must be made after all administrative and judicial remedies have been exhausted by all parties to the certification proceedings.
     (4) The revenue derived from the filing fees must be used by the department in compiling the information required for rendering a decision on a certificate and for carrying out other responsibilities of the department and the board under 75-10-901 through 75-10-945.

     History: En. Sec. 16, Ch. 468, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 338, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 531, Ch. 546, L. 1995.

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