Montana Code Annotated 2003

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     75-10-935. Opinion issued with decision -- contents. (1) In rendering a decision on an application for a license for a megalandfill, the department shall issue an opinion stating its reasons for the action taken.
     (2) In addition to the requirements of 75-10-221, any license issued by the department shall include the following:
     (a) an environmental evaluation statement related to the megalandfill being certified. The statement must include but not be limited to analysis of the following information:
     (i) the environmental impact of the proposed facility;
     (ii) any adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided by issuance of the license;
     (iii) problems and objections raised by other federal and state agencies and interested groups; and
     (iv) alternatives to the proposed facility.
     (b) a plan for monitoring environmental effects of the proposed facility;
     (c) a plan for monitoring the certified megalandfill site between the time of certification and completion of construction; and
     (d) a statement signed by the applicant showing agreement to comply with the requirements of 75-10-901 through 75-10-945 and the conditions of the certificate.

     History: En. Sec. 28, Ch. 468, L. 1991.

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