Montana Code Annotated 2005

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     33-4-411. Arbitration -- committee -- compensation. (1) If any insurer's adjuster and a claimant fail to agree as to the amount of the insured loss or damage sustained by the claimant and if so provided for in the insurer's bylaws, the matter shall be submitted to three persons as a committee of reference, one of whom shall be selected by the claimant, one by the insurer, and the third by such two persons, all of whom shall be sworn to a faithful and impartial investigation and award.
     (2) The committee of reference shall have authority to examine witnesses and determine all matters in dispute. The decision or award of the committee shall be made in writing to the secretary of the insurer. If it relates to any claimed loss or damage to a crop, the decision or award shall not be made until after maturity of such crop. The decision or award of the committee shall be final and binding upon all parties, unless an interested party appeals to the court within 30 days thereafter.
     (3) The compensation of each member of any such committee shall be at the rate of $10 per day for each day of service in the discharge of his duties. Such compensation shall be paid by the claimant, unless the award of the committee exceeds the sum theretofore offered by the insurer in settlement of the claim and in which case the compensation shall be paid by the insurer.

     History: En. Sec. 515, Ch. 286, L. 1959; R.C.M. 1947, 40-4848.

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