Montana Code Annotated 2005

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     76-15-606. Election procedure. (1) The question shall be submitted to the electors by ballot on which the words "For creation of proposed project area" and "Against creation of proposed project area" shall appear, with a square before each proposition and directions to insert an "X" mark in the square before one or the other of said propositions as the voter may favor or oppose creation of the project area.
     (2) No person shall be entitled to vote at the election unless such person possesses all the qualifications required of electors under Title 13 and resides within the boundaries of the proposed project area and the county in which he proposes to vote.

     History: En. Sec. 17, Ch. 291, L. 1969; amd. Sec. 21, Ch. 431, L. 1971; R.C.M. 1947, 76-225(part).

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