Montana Code Annotated 2007

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     13-16-419. Recount by board of state canvassers. (1) When the secretary of state receives certificates from all county recount boards, he shall file them, fix a time and place, as soon as possible, for reconvening the board of state canvassers, and shall notify the members.
     (2) The board of state canvassers shall recanvass the official returns on the office, nomination, position, or question, as corrected by the certificates, and make a new and corrected abstract of the votes cast.
     (3) (a) If the corrected abstract shows no change in the results, no further action shall be taken.
     (b) If there is a change in the results, a new certificate of election or nomination shall be issued in the same manner as the certificate of election or nomination was previously issued to each candidate elected or nominated.

     History: En. Sec. 207, Ch. 368, L. 1969; R.C.M. 1947, 23-4118; Sec. , MCA 1979; redes. by Code Commissioner, 1979; amd. Sec. 52, Ch. 575, L. 1981.

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