Montana Code Annotated 2007

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     33-22-135. Coverage for reconstructive breast surgery after mastectomy. (1) Each group and individual disability policy, certificate of insurance, or membership contract that is delivered, issued for delivery, renewed, extended, or modified in this state must provide coverage for reconstructive breast surgery resulting from a mastectomy that resulted from breast cancer.
     (2) Each group and individual disability policy, certificate of insurance, or membership contract that is delivered, issued for delivery, renewed, extended, or modified in this state must provide coverage for all stages of one reconstructive breast surgery on the nondiseased breast to establish symmetry with the diseased breast after definitive reconstructive breast surgery on the diseased breast has been performed.
     (3) For the purposes of this section:
     (a) "mastectomy" means the surgical removal of all or part of a breast as a result of breast cancer;
     (b) "reconstructive breast surgery" means surgery performed as a result of a mastectomy to reestablish symmetry between the breasts. The term includes augmentation mammoplasty, reduction mammoplasty, and mastopexy.
     (4) Benefits for reconstructive breast surgery include but are not limited to the costs of prostheses and, under any contract providing outpatient x-ray or radiation therapy, benefits for outpatient chemotherapy following surgical procedures in connection with the treatment of breast cancer that must be included as a part of the outpatient x-ray or radiation therapy benefit.

     History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 410, L. 1997.

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