Montana Code Annotated 2007

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     35-2-537. Quorum requirements. (1) Unless this chapter, the articles, or bylaws provide for a higher or lower quorum, 10% of the votes entitled to be cast on a matter must be represented at a meeting of members to constitute a quorum on that matter.
     (2) A bylaw amendment to decrease the quorum for any member action may be approved by the members or, unless prohibited by the bylaws, by the board.
     (3) A bylaw amendment to increase the quorum required for any member action must be approved by the members.
     (4) Unless one-third or more of the voting power is present in person or by proxy, the only matters that may be voted upon at an annual or regular meeting of members are those matters that are described in the meeting notice.

     History: En. Sec. 68, Ch. 411, L. 1991.

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