Montana Code Annotated 2007

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     50-6-327. Administrative enforcement. (1) If the department believes that there is a violation of this part or a violation of a rule of the department, it may serve notice of the violation upon the alleged violator or the alleged violator's agent. Service of notice must be by certified mail and is complete on the date of mailing.
     (2) Notice required under subsection (1) must:
     (a) specify the provision of this part or the rule alleged to be violated;
     (b) contain a statement of the facts alleged to constitute a violation; and
     (c) include an order that the alleged violator take necessary corrective action within a reasonable period of time as stated in the order. The order may include corrective action, such as decertification of a specific vehicle or aircraft from use as an ambulance or restriction on the use of a specific individual or type of or level of service in providing emergency medical service.
     (3) An order issued pursuant to subsection (2) becomes final unless the person named in the order requests a hearing before the department. The request for a hearing must be made in writing to the department at least 30 days after the date of service of notice of an alleged violation. On receipt of the request, the department shall schedule a date for a hearing.
     (4) If, after a hearing, the department finds that a violation has occurred, it shall either affirm or modify the corrective action order. An order issued by the department after hearing may prescribe the date by which the violation must cease and may prescribe time limits for corrective action. If, after a hearing, the department finds a violation has not occurred, it shall rescind the corrective action order.

     History: En. Sec. 11, Ch. 387, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 274, Ch. 546, L. 1995.

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