Montana Code Annotated 2007

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     87-4-433. Programmatic environmental review. (1) The department, in cooperation with the department of livestock, shall, by July 1, 2001, conduct a programmatic review of environmental impacts that may be associated with the granting of a license to operate an alternative livestock ranch.
     (2) In consultation with the department of livestock, the department shall select a contractor to prepare the programmatic environmental review, which must be in the form of an environmental impact statement.
     (3) In addition to the department of livestock, the department shall seek the assistance and participation of other governmental agencies that have special expertise in areas that should be addressed in the programmatic.

     History: En. Sec. 29, Ch. 574, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 8, I.M. No. 143, approved Nov. 7, 2000.

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