Montana Code Annotated 2009

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     72-34-429. Beneficiary's portion of net income -- maintenance of records -- distribution date. (1) Each beneficiary described in 72-34-428(4) is entitled to receive a portion of the net income equal to the beneficiary's fractional interest in undistributed principal assets, using values as of the distribution dates and without reducing the values by any unpaid principal obligations.
     (2) If a fiduciary does not distribute all of the collected but undistributed net income to each beneficiary as of a distribution date, the fiduciary shall maintain appropriate records showing the interest of each beneficiary in that net income.
     (3) The distribution date for purposes of this section may be the date as of which the fiduciary calculates the value of the assets if that date is reasonably near the date on which assets are actually distributed.

     History: En. Sec. 9, Ch. 506, L. 2003.

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