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     85-1-617. Issuing renewable resource bonds -- renewable resource loan proceeds account. (1) When authorized by the legislature and within the limits of the authorization and within the further limitations established in this section, the board of examiners may issue and sell renewable resource bonds of the state in the amount and manner it considers necessary and proper to finance the renewable resource grant and loan program. The full faith and credit and taxing powers of the state are pledged for the prompt and full payment of all bonds issued and interest and redemption premiums payable on the bonds according to their terms.
     (2) Each series of renewable resource bonds may be issued by the board of examiners, upon request of the department, at public or private sale, in denominations and forms, whether payable to bearer with attached interest coupons or registered as to principal or as to both principal and interest, with provisions for conversion or exchange and for the issuance of notes in anticipation of the issuance of definitive bonds, bearing interest at a rate or rates, maturing at a rate or rates, maturing at a time or times not exceeding 30 years from date of issue, subject to optional or mandatory redemption at earlier times and prices and upon notice, with provisions for payment and discharge by the deposit of funds or securities in escrow for that purpose, and payable at the office of a banking institution or institutions within or outside the state that the board of examiners shall determine subject to the limitations contained in this section and 17-5-731.
     (3) In the issuance of each series of renewable resource bonds, the interest rates and the maturities and mandatory redemption provisions contained in the bonds must be established in a manner that the funds then specifically pledged and appropriated by law to the renewable resource loan debt service fund will, in the judgment of the board of examiners, be received in an amount sufficient in each year to pay all principal, redemption premiums, and interest due and payable in that year with respect to that and all prior series of bonds, except outstanding bonds as to which the obligation of the state has been discharged by the deposit of funds or securities sufficient for their payment in accordance with the terms of the resolutions by which they are authorized to be issued.
     (4) In all other respects, the board of examiners is authorized to prescribe the form and terms of the bonds and notes and shall do whatever is lawful and necessary for their issuance and payment. The bonds, notes, and interest coupons appurtenant to the bonds or notes must be signed by the members of the board of examiners, and the bonds and notes must be issued under the great seal of the state of Montana. The bonds, notes, and coupons may be executed with facsimile signatures and seal in the manner and subject to the limitations prescribed by law. The state treasurer shall keep a record of all bonds and notes issued and sold.
     (5) There is created a renewable resource loan proceeds account within the state special revenue fund established in 17-2-102.
     (6) All proceeds of bonds or notes issued under this section, other than refunding bonds, must be deposited in the renewable resource loan proceeds account established in subsection (5), except that any principal and accrued interest received in repayment of a loan made from the proceeds of bonds issued under this section must be deposited in the renewable resource loan debt service fund and the renewable resource loan loss reserve fund pursuant to 85-1-603. All proceeds of refunding bonds must be deposited in the renewable resource loan debt service fund and applied to the payment and redemption of outstanding bonds issued under this section as directed by the board of examiners, whether at maturity or on any earlier date on which they may be prepaid according to their terms.
     (7) All actions taken by the board of examiners under this section or 85-1-619 must be authorized by a vote of a majority of the members of the board of examiners.

     History: En. Sec. 18, Ch. 505, L. 1981; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 149, L. 1983; amd. Secs. 42, 55, Ch. 298, L. 1983; amd. Sec. 13, Ch. 512, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 6, Sp. L. March 1986; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 491, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 24, Ch. 478, L. 1993.

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