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     90-4-1114. Energy performance contracts. (1) A governmental entity may pay for an energy performance contract with:
     (a) funds designated for operating costs, capital expenditures, utility costs, or lease payments;
     (b) installment payment contracts or lease purchase agreements;
     (c) bonds issued in accordance with other bonding provisions as provided by law; or
     (d) other financing through a third party, including tax-exempt financing.
     (2) Utility incentives, grants, operating costs, capital budgets, or other permissible sources may be used to reduce the amount of financing.
     (3) (a) An energy performance contract may extend beyond the fiscal year for which the contract is effective.
     (b) An energy performance contract may not exceed 20 years, the cost-weighted average useful life of the cost-saving measure, or the term of financing, whichever is shortest.
     (4) During the guarantee period, a qualified energy service provider shall:
     (a) measure and verify reductions in energy consumption and costs attributable to cost-saving measures implemented pursuant to an energy performance contract; and
     (b) not less than annually, prepare and provide a measurement and verification report to the governmental entity and to the department documenting the performance of cost-saving measures.
     (5) (a) Costs for measurement and verification must be included in an energy performance contract and paid by the governmental entity during an initial monitoring period that is not less than 3 years.
     (b) The energy performance contract must provide that, if guaranteed cost savings are not achieved during any year in the initial monitoring period, the qualified energy service provider shall pay the costs for measurement and verification reports until guaranteed cost savings are achieved for all years in a term of consecutive years equal to the initial monitoring period.
     (6) (a) Except as provided in subsection (6)(b), the qualified energy service provider shall pay the governmental entity the amount of any verified annual guaranteed cost savings shortfall each year until guaranteed cost savings are achieved for all years in an initial monitoring period established in accordance with subsection (5). The amount of cost savings achieved during a year must be determined using the mutually agreed on baseline rates referenced in guaranteed cost savings and any unguaranteed energy cost savings attributable to utility unit price escalation rates allowed pursuant to rules adopted by the department pursuant to 90-4-1110(3)(d).
     (b) In the case of a shortfall, the governmental entity and qualified energy service provider may negotiate the terms of measurement and verification reports and the shortfall payment for the remainder of the energy performance contract finance term.
     (c) If an excess in guaranteed cost savings in any year of the guarantee period is revealed in a measurement and verification report, the guaranteed cost savings remain with the governmental entity. Guaranteed cost savings may not be used to cover potential shortfalls in subsequent years or actual guaranteed cost savings shortages in previous years of a guarantee period.

     History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 344, L. 2015.

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