Part 27. Abandonment and Consolidation of Counties

Form Of Resolution

7-2-2708. Form of resolution. The resolution authorized by 7-2-2707 shall be in substantially the following form:

Whereas, there has been filed with the election administrator of (name) county, Montana, a petition asking that the organization and corporate existence of the county be abandoned and abolished and its territory attached to and made a part of an adjoining county, the county of (name), Montana; and

Whereas, the petition has been presented to the board of county commissioners of (name) County, with a certificate of the election administrator of the county attached thereto showing that the petition has been signed by not less than 35% of the registered electors of the county; and

(If a petition for attaching any part or portion of the county, in case of abandonment, to an adjoining county or counties other than the county named in the petition for abandonment and found to have been signed by the required number of registered electors, insert the following for each petition:)

Whereas, there has been filed a petition signed by not less than 50% of the registered electors residing within that part or portion of the county described as (give description as contained in petition), praying that the part or portion of the county within the boundaries be attached to and made a part of the county of (name of county given in petition) if the county is abandoned.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that if (name) County shall be abandoned and abolished, the territory embraced within its boundaries shall be attached to and become part of the following: (if all to be attached to one adjoining county so state, but if parts or portions to any other county or counties, then describe the part or portion to go to each adjoining county as well as to the county named in the petition for abandonment).

Be it further resolved that the county clerk of (name) County, Montana, make copies of this resolution, each with a copy of said petition for abandonment with the signatures omitted therefrom (and copies of petitions for attaching parts or portions of said county to adjoining county or counties other than the county named in the petition for abandonment, if any were filed and found sufficient, with signatures omitted), and certify to the same and affix the seal of the county thereto and transmit one of the copies to the governor of Montana and one of the copies to the clerk of each county to which any part of the county is to be attached if abandoned.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 105, L. 1937; R.C.M. 1947, 16-4004(part); amd. Sec. 284, Ch. 571, L. 1979.