Part 4. Art for State Buildings

Art For New State Buildings -- Finance

22-2-404. Art for new state buildings -- finance. (1) Subject to legislative allocations as provided in subsection (2), all capital project appropriations by the legislature shall include, as a part of the appropriation, an amount not to exceed 1% of the amount appropriated for the use of the Montana arts council for the acquisition of works of art for new state buildings, maintenance of works of art, and administration of this part as provided in subsection (3).

(2) (a) If a state building recommended for construction in the report required by Title 17, chapter 7, part 2, is also recommended as appropriate for the inclusion of works of art as provided in 22-2-403(2), the report shall so state, and in addition the report shall include any recommendation made by the Montana arts council concerning the appropriateness of the building for the inclusion of works of art, the types of works of art suggested for inclusion in such building, and the anticipated cost of such suggested works of art, including costs of acquisition, maintenance, and administrative expenses associated with the suggested works of art. The Montana arts council may submit a recommendation even if the architecture and engineering division of the department of administration has determined that a structure is not appropriate for inclusion of works of art.

(b) The legislature may, for those buildings recommended as appropriate for the inclusion of works of art, allocate an amount not to exceed 1% of the appropriated cost for use as specified in subsection (1).

(c) Additional funds, including separate appropriations, donations, grants, and other available governmental funds, may be used for the acquisition of works of art for new state buildings.

(3) (a) One percent of the funds received from the maximum appropriation setoff allocated by the legislature must be granted to the Montana arts council for the maintenance of art in state buildings.

(b) The administration of this part may be funded out of the appropriation setoff allocated by the legislature.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 552, L. 1983.