Part 3. Acquisition and Merger

Disclosure Of Potential Conflict Of Interest -- Terms And Conditions -- Examples

32-11-301. Disclosure of potential conflict of interest -- terms and conditions -- examples. (1) A person shall disclose a potential conflict of interest that occurs in a transaction in the financing documents of the transaction or, if the transaction does not involve financing assistance, in another appropriate document if the person:

(a) participates in a decision of a licensee relating to the transaction; and

(b) knows of a potential conflict of interest involving the transaction.

(2) If a licensee provides financing assistance to a business or engages in another business transaction and if the assistance or transaction involves a potential conflict of interest, the terms and conditions under which the licensee provides the assistance or engages in the transaction may not be less favorable to the licensee than the terms and conditions that would be required by the licensee in the ordinary course of business if the assistance or transaction did not involve a potential conflict of interest.

(3) Licensee transactions that involve a potential conflict of interest include:

(a) providing financing assistance to a principal shareholder of the licensee, to a person controlled by a principal shareholder of the licensee, or to a director, officer, partner, relative, controlling person, or affiliate of a principal shareholder of the licensee;

(b) providing financing assistance to a business to which one or more of the following provides or plans to provide contemporaneous financing assistance:

(i) a principal shareholder of the licensee;

(ii) a director, officer, partner, relative, controlling person, or affiliate of a principal shareholder of a licensee;

(iii) an affiliate of a principal shareholder of a licensee; or

(iv) a person controlled by a principal shareholder of the licensee;

(c) providing financing assistance to a business that has or is expected to have a substantial business relationship with another business that has a director, officer, or controlling person who is also:

(i) a director, officer, or controlling person of the licensee; or

(ii) the spouse of a director, officer, or controlling person of the licensee;

(d) providing financing assistance to a business if the business or a director, officer, or controlling person of the business contemporaneously has lent or will lend money to an associate of the licensee;

(e) providing financing assistance for the purchase of property of an associate or principal shareholder of the licensee;

(f) selling or otherwise transferring an asset of the licensee to an associate or principal shareholder of the licensee.

(4) In this section, "relative" means a parent, child, sibling, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, nephew, niece, aunt, or uncle or a relative of the same degree through marriage.

History: En. Sec. 27, Ch. 411, L. 2007.