Part 2. Animals Unlawfully Running at Large

Female Breeding Cattle, Purebred Bull To Accompany

81-4-211. Female breeding cattle, purebred bull to accompany. (1) Any person, persons, firm, company, or corporation allowing or permitting female breeding cattle to run at large upon the public ranges or national forest reserves in the state of Montana must place upon the range or national forest reserve one purebred graded bull of a recognized beef type, not less than 15 months or more than 8 years of age, for every 30 head of female breeding cattle pastured upon such range or national forest reserve. Any two or more such users of the public range or national forest reserve may join together in furnishing such bull when the aggregate number of female breeding cattle turned loose upon the same range or national forest reserve by such two or more users thereof does not exceed 30 head.

(2) A purebred bull as contemplated by 81-4-210 through 81-4-213 must be a bull having a registration certificate from the breeding association of its particular breed. A graded bull, as defined in 81-4-210 through 81-4-213, shall be a purebred bull selected by a committee of permittees.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 62, L. 1917; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 42, L. 1919; re-en. Sec. 3404, R.C.M. 1921; re-en. Sec. 3404, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 40, L. 1957; amd. Sec. 53, Ch. 12, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 46-1717.