Amendment Report: HB0002-C005CW13799.slk

Bill Number: HB2

1. Page C-4, line 28: Department of Natural Resources & Conservation.

Strike: "2,559,210 2,598,116"[State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "2,818,510       2,858,768"[State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

2. Page C-5, line 11: Department of Natural Resources & Conservation.

Strike: "18,654,509 18,662,844"       [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "18,769,185      18,777,178"   [State Special Fund FY20 FY21]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment adds a total of 4.70 FTE and associated personal services to the Director's Office and the Forestry & Trust Lands Division. For the 2021 biennium, state special revenue increase by $748,962.