Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Committee Study Bill Copy

Requested by Representative Ryan Lynch

For the House Appropriations Committee

Prepared by Julia Platt

March 11, 2019 (7:34am)

1. Page A-7, line 19: .

Strike: "1,257,481 1,258,064"[General Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "1,293,018 1,293,778"[General Fund FY20 FY21]

Strike: "15,906,334 15,906,918" [Federal Special Fund FY20 FY21]

Insert: "15,941,869 15,942,633" [Federal Special Fund FY20 FY21]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment restores the executive request for personal services for a recovery coordinator in the Disaster and Emergency Services Division of the Department of Military Affairs.

This includes the restoration of:

- General fund of $35,537 in FY 2020 and $35,714 in FY 2021

- Federal special revenue of $35,535 in FY 2020 and $35,715 in FY 2021

- The associated 1.00 FTE