Mr. Chairman:

I move to amend House Bill 2 (second reading copy -- yellow).

Signed: ____________________________

Representative Andrea Olsen

And, that such amendments to House Bill 2 (second reading copy -- yellow) read as follows:

1. Page E-7: line 1 .

Strike: "3,697,901 3,758,352"    [General Fund FY22 FY23]

Insert: "6,320,352 6,326,199"    [General Fund FY22 FY23]

2. Page E-7, line 9: .

Strike: "10,790,983 11,405,679"  [General Fund FY22 FY23]

Insert: "13,109,211 13,725,286"  [General Fund FY22 FY23]

3. Page E-7, line 21: .

Strike: "180,814,046 191,427,037"[General Fund FY22 FY23]

Insert: "192,465,515 195,229,140"[General Fund FY22 FY23]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment is for the Administration Program, Student Assistance Program and Administration Program in the Commissioner of Higher Education. This amendment increases general fund appropriations by $16,592,148 in FY 2022 and $8,689,557 in FY 2023. This amendment restores funding for higher education.