Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator Mike Lang

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Kris Wilkinson

March 31, 2021 (12:58pm)

1. Page A-4: .

Following: line 21

Insert: "b. Entitlement Share (OTO)"

Insert: "$482,000"[General Fund FY22]

2. Page A-5: .

Following: line 20

Insert: "The Entitlement Share is contingent on the passage and approval of HB 678 with a section authorizing increased entitlement share base amounts for counties with large amounts of state-owned lands and adjusting the base entitlement share for the remaining counties and consolidated city-counties."

- END -

Explanation - This amendment directs $482,000 of the entitlement share to counties with large amounts of state lands. The funding is contingent on the passage and approval of HB 678 containing a provision requiring increased entitlement share for counties with significant portions of state-owned lands and adjustment of the base entitlement share of the remaining counties and consolidated city-counties. The net impact on general fund is zero.