Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Reference Copy

Requested by Representative Mary Caferro

For the Senate Free Conference Committee

Prepared by Joshua Poulette

April 26, 2021 (11:08am)

1. Page B-2, line 22: .

Strike: "167,332,000" [General Fund FY23]

Insert: "167,600,066" [General Fund FY23]


Strike: "322,729,359" [Federal Special Fund FY23]

Insert: "323,225,015" [Federal Special Fund FY23]

2. Page B-2, line 26: .

Strike: "16,129,236"  [General Fund FY23]

Insert: "16,431,235"  [General Fund FY23]


Strike: "437,942,238" [Federal Special Fund FY23]

Insert: "439,435,187" [Federal Special Fund FY23]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment increases the appropriation for the Health Resources Division for the purpose of increasing Medicaid hospital provider rates. Total funding is $570,065 general fund and $2.0 million federal funds.