Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Reference Copy

Requested by Representative Llew Jones

For the Senate Free Conference Committee

Prepared by Joshua Poulette

April 28, 2021 (7:49am)

1. Page B-1, line 19: .

Strike: "3,256,968 3,370,156"[General Fund FY22 FY23]

Insert: "3,211,968 3,325,156"[General Fund FY22 FY23]

2. Page B-1: .

Following: line 19

Insert: "a. Report on Medicaid Paid Abortions"

Insert: "45,000 45,000"[General Fund FY22 FY23]

3. Page B-5: .

Following: line 24

Insert: "The line item for report on Medicaid paid abortions is to be used by the Department of Public Health and Human Services to review and report the history, utilization data, policies, rules, and definitions for Medicaid paid abortions to the Interim Budget Committee for the Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee at a meeting in September of 2021 with follow up work as the committees request."

- END -

Explanation - This amendment removes the $90,000 general fund for the payment review committee for abortion services. It also establishes a line item of $90,000 general fund for a report on Medicaid paid abortions. This amendment also provides language related to the report on Medicaid paid abortions for HB 2.