Amendments to House Bill No. 2

Reference Copy

Requested by Senator Ryan Osmundson

For the Senate Free Conference Committee

Prepared by Marci Lewandowski

April 20, 2021 (2:43pm)

1. Page D-7, line 5: .

Strike: "237,170 651,098"  [General Fund FY22 FY23]

Insert: "304,229 781,639"  [General Fund FY22 FY23]

2. Page D-7, line 7: .

Strike: "134,962 262,725"  [General Fund FY22 FY23]

Insert: "67,903 132,184"[General Fund FY22 FY23]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment decreases general fund by $67,059 in FY 2022 and $130,541 in FY 2023 for operating expenses in Secure Custody Facilities related to the Cascade County regional prison provider rate per diem in the Department of Corrections. This amendment increases general fund by $67,059 in FY 2022 and $130,541 in FY 2023 for operating expenses in Secure Custody Facilities related to the Crossroads Correctional Center for-profit provider rate per diem in the Department of Corrections.