Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 45. Municipal Housing Authorities Continued

General Powers Related To Bonds And Lease Obligations

7-15-4521. General powers related to bonds and lease obligations. (1) In connection with the issuance of bonds and/or the incurring of any obligation under a lease and in order to secure the payment of such bonds and/or obligations, the authority shall have power to:

(a) execute all instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of the powers herein granted or in the performance of its covenants or duties, which may contain such covenants and provisions, in addition to those specified in 7-15-4506, 7-15-4511, and 7-15-4521 through 7-15-4528, as the government or any purchaser of the bonds of the authority may reasonably require;

(b) make such covenants and do any and all such acts and things as may be necessary or convenient or desirable in order to secure its bonds or, in the absolute discretion of the authority, tend to make the bonds more marketable, notwithstanding that such covenants, acts, or things may not be enumerated herein;

(c) make covenants, other than in addition to the covenants expressly authorized in this part or part 44, of like or different character.

(2) It is the intention of subsection (1)(b) hereof to give the authority power to do all things in the issuance of bonds, in the provisions for their security, that are not inconsistent with the constitution of the state, and no consent or approval of any judge or court shall be required thereof; provided, however, that the authority shall have no power to mortgage all or any part of its real or personal property except as provided in 7-15-4526.

History: En. Sec. 16, Ch. 140, L. 1935; re-en. Sec. 5309.16, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 35-116(part).