Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 11. Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund


75-5-1111. Applications. (1) The department shall, after consultation with the department of natural resources and conservation, establish loan application procedures, including forms for the applications. Each application for a loan to finance construction of a project must include:

(a) a reasonably detailed description of the project;

(b) a reasonably detailed estimate of the cost of the project;

(c) a timetable for the construction of the project and for payment of the cost of the project;

(d) identification of the source or sources of funds to be used in addition to the proceeds of the loan to pay the cost of the project;

(e) the source or sources of revenue proposed to be used to repay the loan;

(f) a current financial statement showing assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses of the applicant;

(g) if the applicant is a municipality, a statement as to whether, at the time of application, there are any outstanding loans, notes, bonds, or other obligations of the municipality that were issued or incurred to finance any part of the municipality's project or system of which the project is a part and, if so, a description of the loans, notes, bonds, or other obligations;

(h) if the applicant is a private person, a statement as to whether, at the time of application, there are any outstanding loans, notes, or other obligations of the private person and, if so, a description of the loans, notes, or other obligations; and

(i) any other information that the department or the department of natural resources and conservation may require to determine the feasibility of a project and the applicant's ability to repay the loan, including but not limited to engineering reports, economic feasibility studies, and legal opinions.

(2) Each application for a loan to refinance a project, including a purchase of outstanding obligations issued by a municipality to finance a project in whole or in part, must include:

(a) a reasonably detailed description of the project;

(b) a schedule of the cost of the project;

(c) the date on which construction of the project began;

(d) a description of the loans, notes, bonds, or other obligations to be refinanced and of any other loans, notes, bonds, or obligations issued or incurred to finance any part of the municipality's project; and

(e) any other information that the department or the department of natural resources and conservation may require.

(3) Each application for financial assistance in the form of a guaranty or the purchase of insurance for a municipal obligation must include all items required by subsection (1) and any other information the department may require.

History: En. Sec. 7, Ch. 678, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 9, Ch. 538, L. 1997.