Amendments to House Bill No. 2

3rd Reading Copy

Requested by Senator Pat Flowers

For the Senate Finance and Claims Committee

Prepared by Katie Guenther

April 6, 2023 (4:44pm)

1. Page A-2, line 21: .

Strike: "3,394,695 3,404,013"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

Insert: "3,271,982 3,281,569"[General Fund FY24 FY25]

- END -

Explanation - This amendment reduces general fund appropriations in the Executive Office Program in the Governor's Office for 1.00 FTE and associated funding for government efficiency initiative position. Personal services are reduced by $117,713 in FY 2024 and $117,444 in FY 2025 and operating expenses are reduced by $5,000 in FY 2024 and $5,000 in FY 2025.