The Environmental Quality Council heads to Libby on September 25 and 26 to learn first-hand about chronic wasting disease (CWD), asbestos remediation, selenium concentrations in Lake Koocanusa, and wilderness study areas.

The EQC kicks off its visit at 8:15 a.m. on September 25 with tours of the Libby CWD Management Zone and Riverfront Park.

The council will also receive updates on wolf, grizzly, and sage grouse management, proposed changes to the Pacific Trail route, good neighbor authority forestry contracts, aquatic invasive species, and subdivision sanitation.

The EQC will also finalize its work plan for the interim.

For more information about the meeting, including a full agenda, visit the committee’s website or contact Joe Kolman, committee staff.

Committee website: 
Committee staff: 406-444-3747 or

The Legislative News.