The Environmental Quality Council (EQC) will get a first hand look at adaptive ranching methods, state cabin sites, and timber projects in the greater Helena area during its July 29-30 meeting.

The council begins its series of field trips at the Mannix Ranch near Helmville at 10 a.m. on July 29. While there, the council will discuss watershed protection, rangeland health, and forest management, and get updates on grizzly bears and the governor's Climate Solutions Council.

On the afternoon of July 29, the EQC will travel to Lincoln to view state cabin sites and hear reports on their sale as well as the state's land banking program and the arrival in Montana of the fungus that causes white-nose bat syndrome.

The EQC will meet in person in the Senate Chambers of the Capitol on July 30 to receive updates on the Department of Environmental Quality's Orphan Share program and sanitation review procedures, as well as aquatic invasive species, the Milk River, and Hell Creek State Park.

The council will also review drafts of final reports for its major studies of the interim: chronic wasting disease, wildlife location data, wilderness study areas, and bonding, decommissioning, and remediation of energy facilities.

The Council wraps up on the afternoon of July 30 with a visit to Lump Gulch south of Helena to view recent wildfire impacts and discuss timber harvest in the area.

The meeting is live streamed at and broadcast on the Montana Public Affairs Network (MPAN). Check local channel listings to find MPAN. 

For more information on the council's activities, a full agenda, and how to participate in the meeting, visit the council's website or contact Joe Kolman, council staff.

Council website:

Council staff: or 406-444-9280

The Legislative News.